
Every time Trump criticizes someone else (esp. Hillary) imagine he is talking about himself and just projecting. It works almost every time. He wakes up feeling insecure because he’s lying? TIME TO SEND SOME TWEETS ABOUT CROOKED HILLARY. Someone tells him his speech was loud and long? HILLARY’S SPEECH WAS TOO LONG

I sort of feel like nobody told Cory Booker that thing about the microphones, though. I like the guy but Jesus fuck, buddy, you can bring it down to a dull roar once in a while.

It has to do with gender in that we overvalue things that boys and men are encouraged to learn at young ages (i.e. oratory and public speaking) over skills that girls and women are encouraged to develop (i.e. detailed analysis and consensus building). We value stirring speeches more than the actual work of government,

She’s not a great orator. She’d be the first to tell you that. I listened to a podcast recently (I think it was the 538 one) that talked about the fact that a lot of what she’s GREAT at (building consensus, one-on-one interactions, bringing people over to her side, quietly commanding the respect of everyone who deals

Nothing about her campaign was “supposed” to be flawless. She’s a human being and a lifelong public servant. Nobody can suddenly learn how to be one of history’s great speakers. That’s a gift you either have or you don’t, and nobody was ever going to magically impart it on Secretary Clinton.

LBJ was a pretty lousy public speaker too. Getting shit done has its place.

I forget which podcast or NPR show I was listening to, but they said they have a whole file for complaints about women’s voices on their show - they called it their “deleted items.” From “upspeak” to “vocal fry” there is a long history of men pretending they are fine with the fact THAT women are allowed to speak, it’s

Ok I realize this isn’t the point and we shouldn’t judge politicians or women by what they wear, or...but fuck it. She looked fucking GREAT last night. Doing the red the second night, blue the third, and then the white suit that just looked awesome and hearkened back to the color of suffragettes? Masterful. Like

Tim Kaine DOES look like a doofus. His jacket last night didn’t fit properly, a white shirt would have been better than blue, and he seems particularly attached to the hideous tie he was wearing that he wears all the fucking time. ALL that said, “haha he’s a bit of a goofball” doesn’t stop anyone from taking him

Well now isn’t there just egg all over my face. ;)

I went to one of their meetings once, when I was in college and convinced I was going to become an activist radical. It was so fucking annoying I left after 20 minutes and joined the water polo team instead.

I harbor a secret hope that they’ll be around more now that they don’t have all that stupid presidential shit to take up their time. They have a pretty big megaphone right now, and interest in a lot of issues. I hope they use it.

Putting “don’t go at it like you’re fighting bees” into the mental rolodex. Thanks for this one.

I would like to sit next to you at the next meeting of the Young Anarchists Club.

These Tim Kaine videos that are coming out of the DNC hack are absolutely DAMNING.


I actually read something about this, and I think for the most part he’ll just be referred to as “President” but for official state functions he’ll be referred to as “Mr.” and title-wise, it’s “First Gentleman” even though “FGOTUS” is a hideous acronym to pronounce.

You know the first time he used that line he ad-libbed it and now he CANNOT get enough of it. Like he got back to the WH and called Biden and was like “JOE! Did you see? Did you see when I said ‘don’t boo, vote’? They LOVED IT, Joe.”

Tim Kaine has said the words “hi hungry, nice to meet you, I’m Dad!” more than once.

Tonight’s a much more low key night, anchored around people Clinton has personally met and helped, plus some of her more ardent supporters like Sherrod Brown, Xavier Beccerra, Barbara Mikulski, Tammy Duckworth, etc.