
Very white, very male, and very young. Lots of people who don’t have ANY fucking clue that they were born on third base, and are convinced that anyone who had to bunt to get to first, then steal second and take third on a wild pitch are just TOO AMBITIOUS.

No question Sale is a weird asshole who seems more inclined to pick fights with management than actually to focus on his game (I think in the end he would pick a fight over the color of Gatorade if he thought it’d get him a trade), but I sort of get the uniform thing. No, they don’t have 100% control, but from a very

Counterpoint: Pitchers are asked to push their bodies to the absolute physical limit of what a human being can do to add velocity and movement to a baseball. And they’re often asked to do that in less than optimal weather, field, and visibility conditions. One of the few things they can control is the way their unis

Starting pitchers are fussy divas who get all up in their own heads if their sleeves feel wrong or the landing spot on the mound feels a little different than they want it to. So a jersey flapping up on his back on follow through or a shirttail hitting his wrist every windup might just have been one of those things

I agree with you, and found it ENDLESSLY frustrating that Sanders didn’t concede right away. I think for him it was personal, and he got caught up in his own narrative just a little bit too long. He could (and should) have conceded after his meeting in the White House. It would have been magnanimous and garnered him a

Bernie accomplished a lot on substantive policy. He also got caught up (as any of us might) in the idea of himself that got a whole lot bigger than he was. He’s a good guy with a lot of flaws. He’s not the saint the best of his believers make him out to be, nor is he the shithead the worst of his supporters act like.

For as much as Presidential candidates and politicians often profess to be reluctant servants or whatever, they very rarely actually are. It takes a lot of ambition to want to become President. Families, on the other hand? They often get dragged along and conscripted into an enterprise they didn’t envision for

Seems fair.

“Hillary kills and eats puppies!”

That’s what all the Brexit voters said.

The sheer goddamned privilege of anyone who is considering NOT voting for Clinton* is just melting my fucking brain right now. You have a blanket opposition to war? I bet you’re not Jewish. You don’t care about what the RNC and DNC platforms say about gay marriage? I bet you’ve never tried to visit your partner in the

Impeachment is the equivalent of an indictment - it’s delivered by the House (called “articles of impeachment”). Once a President has been impeached, he or she faces trial in the Senate, with the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS presiding. Following trial, a 2/3 majority of the Senate is needed to “convict” the President

Yeah let’s have President Mike Pence for 4 years that should be just fucking GREAT.

I think she probably doesn’t consciously fuck it up, but she also doesn’t...NOT fuck it up, you know? “Yes Donald I agree if you don’t put ze tanner around ze eyes it does make you look younger.”

Listen, after he raped them, he often did nice things for their careers, so maybe bitches should calm the fuck down and just say thank you.

Interviewers have tried to ask that question. The answer is another 10 minute tirade. The problem with any interview with him is that he’s not giving people an hour to probe him so they can cut 10 minutes together - he’s giving them 5 minutes before he has to go on for a speech or whatever. So the media guys feel like

He doesn’t trust anyone, is super self-conscious about his looks, is a creepy micro-manager, and is a weird fucking germaphobe. I read somewhere that Melania is the only one allowed to cut his hair (keep THAT in mind when he eventually dies and you’re inclined to think she got too much money out of him). I would put

Trump logic: Defending your husband of several decades against accusations of sexual harassment: BAD. Also Sad! Defending a man who serially harassed hundreds of women over the course of a half-century career because his news network has been friendly to you? Totally fine.

“Someday he’ll die and I’ll inherit ALL OF IT. First I’ll disinherit Tiffany, because fuck the Marla one. Then the boys have to actually work construction since they’re SO COMFORTABLE WITH IT. The dumb model and the little one can have whatever. I just feel bad for them. Hahahaha isn’t it funny he’s still touching me

It's after 6 east coast time. Would be weird to do it now.