Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:
Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:
Donald Trump always dresses like he’s actually two slovenly children standing on each others shoulders, ready to do a business
My fave grey comment is saying shit like “this isn’t what MLK died for.”
Can you.
Thank you for calling. Call again tomorrow. If the line is busy, it’s because I am calling too.
So I called my Members of Congress today and broke down crying about the children locked in cages and screaming for their parents. I don’t know if I got my point across.
Undoubtedly this man is unhinged and has been for a long time. Men, don’t take your mommy issues out on us. We are not your mommy or your Bonnie and we don’t deserve to be stalked, raped and killed for the real or perceived actions of the women in your life.
They fuck every hour on the hour...
Waiting for the “When do men get a day?” assholes. Already heard that comment in my office.
I signed up for OkCupid after “Cat Person”was published...
This makes me furious on behalf of 15-year old you. It is appalling that adult men in a position of trust (friends dads! teachers!) treated you that way.
Raise your hand if you were a 15 year old girl who was constantly pestered by older men. The fathers of the kids you babysat for pouring you a drink. Your friends’ fathers staring at your tits or walking in on you in the shower. Your male teachers dropping hints. Strangers pulling over as you walked home from school.
I don’t know, allowing people to post pictures with their guns seems like a good way to quickly weed out the people I never, ever, ever, want to go with on a date.
Says the man whose hairline is so disgusted with him that it’s literally running the other way off his head.
Don’t worry though, you can still post as many pics of your AR-15 as you’d like. THAT’S not obscene at all!
I’m in the grays, so I don’t know if anyone will see this, but I’ll type it out anyway.
I’ll just say I saw this movie yesterday and cried like a baby and everyone should see it. It’s beautiful and strange and satisfying and not your typical Oscar bait yawn fest.
Also, the heroes are a woman with a disability, a black woman, and a gay man and the villain is basically a stand-in for toxic white…
So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who…