
It seems possible that her choice of the word “unfortunately” was in reference to disappointing her fan’s desires rather than some sort of existential commentary on the paradoxical attractions of female straightness. But that wouldn’t satisfy either the need to project our own issues on celebrities or to provide

“Barbie, we love you, but it’s time to log off.”

The 10s of fans at the games will be disappointed.

Good for you. They probably don’t care. Most people don’t.

Sue her for what, successfully lying as a politician?

This must be upsetting for fans lacking the intellectual maturity to separate art from artists.

A collection that’s, in a sense, immaculate.

Finding out his girlfriend was a lying thief and was about to start getting a lot of incredibly negative attention?

So what's the status on her hefty defamation suit you said she was gonna have against everyone calling her a liar from the start?

How WEIRD, right?!

Congratulations on contributing literally nothing useful to this story. Zero. You did not ask any real questions, you did no analysis. You didn’t exhibit a single journalistic instinct. You literally just typed statements from her lawyers and PR people and chastised anybody who dared to question why her story made no

people made up nearly 40 percent of all missing persons cases.” What a shocking statistic.

So the wnba youtube account has about 230k subscribers on youtube and this guy has over 7 million. His videos regularly have millions of views. The wnba accounts videos average a few thousand.

They were more than happy to suggest the white woman on the plane that saw someone no one else saw and demanded off the plane was a drunk Karen, but this they can't suggest is a hoax.

However, the internet has decided Russell’s disappearance was a lame cry for attention."

We are not here to suggest what happened. We just don’t know.

“It felt like I was back at school with the teacher scolding me for doing something wrong and telling me to sit down back in my place,” she told the outlet. “... I feel like she was determined to make us look like we were young, immature and vain. But we were just grown women in our 30s to 60s trying to take a

Nah, she’s right. She’s the product. Show knows they came to see her perform and they paid money to see her perform. They didn’t pay to use her to get clicks for themselves. I think she’s absolutely right. She’s not a “content creator.” “Content” is some nebulous word for “any fucking thing anyone wants to put on the

Yeah I was a little on their side until I saw that they were taking a big ass group selfie in the front rows while everyone else was trying to see. That’s just rude. Also why do you need the world to know that you had “the best seats in the house”?  You call yourselves “grown women in their 30s to 60s,” so grow the

At least four of those women have called the cops when a black person walked a dog on their street and the other two couldn’t find their phone.