
Michael is obviously the real racist for owning Horn

If you’re worried about future Congress’s willingness to extend the debt ceiling, I don’t see how M4A or any of the other progressive wish list items could stand a chance even in the absence of the debt ceiling. It’s not like getting rid of it takes away pols’ ability to vote against something they don’t like.

My highest aspiration is to get rid of Trump.  Your highest aspiration is to go all in on a pair of 4s after the flop.

Let me know when the AOC group is targetting anyone other than a currently sitting Democrat.

No, these fuckers couldn’t.

You do understand that the big progressive movement now is to unseat *Democrats* instead of Republicans, right?  Like, there’s a reason I call them The Squat, because that’s how much they contributed in ‘18?

Bernie’s mantra has been that it’s a human rights issue. So, Bernie is cool negotiating human rights?

Bernie can’t tell his own campaign what to do, but he wants to become.......

Now do the one where you guys say we need more of the Squat because voters of all stripes actually like their policies.

Sounds like someone was disappointed with the amount of screentime Jaime and Cersei had together......

I’m not sure “schools” and “Boom” are the words you want to link to Bernie’s historical record......

Splinter: Twitter sucks, and the people who use it suck

Exactly....this is like XYZ corporation making a donation to a charity, where XYZ gets all the recognition and PR, even though 95% of that donation came from them soliciting their own employees.

If you’re gonna hide a $2 surcharge on a $95 tab because you’re afraid the customer might go to Panda Express instead, maybe find a different business to go into.

Sure. I had a job where I did not like what I was doing. I told my boss I would be applying for a different job. I did not belittle the work my team at the time was doing, my boss was supportive, I got a new job with an 8% raise.

And yet, the progressives, backed by the Wall Street/Silicon Valley bro, are only targetting liberal Democrats and not Republicans.

Just because it’s a fact that you think something does not mean what you think is a fact.

Serena’s the GOAT.  6 Grand Slam tourneys since she gave birth, 3 finals out of those.....and we’re complaining about that?

You made a statement, there, isn’t that wonderful.

It’s almost like someone with a 20-year history of this bevahior is being punished more than a person with a 1-year history of this behavior