
Any plan that says a president and a friendly senate can make up whatever SCOTUS rules they want without a Constititional amendment is dumb as hell.

Like seriously, we could have Road Warriors vs Mulkeys, or Road Warriors vs Midnight Express vs Horsemen....not a tough choice

Blog editor writes 3 sentences, wonders why he doesnt get his fair share.

Chubby ones who have never ridden a horse outside of RDR

The throne comes to life and says " Throne" then snaps its fingers.

Hey!  you actually got it right this time!  A real one did run 3 years ago....and lost!  Just like most progressives who have attempted to run! Yeah, it sucks that centrists lost a lot of seats......but they had those seats to lose because they won them in the first place...and also, nice job of throwing black women

Again...what has ever stopped progressives from running before?  Why do you need to be 'given' one?  Is that just the some inherent nature of being a progressive, needing someone else to give you something?

Ahh, these arrogant-bloggers who think everyone wants to Be-Blest like they are.....

If theres anything Deadspin needs more of,since the one and only actual story they ever broke, its more revenge porn.

I must have missed the law that prevented progressives from ever running for those seats in the past.

Yeah, no, two months ago I was on a flight and a kid behind me started kicking the back of my seat. I hoped the mom would do something, and I put up with it for 5 minutes or so, but it didn’t stop til I turned around and asked him to stop.

Some parents really are clueless fucking idiots.


My relationship with good olive oil

Is it getting so difficult just to keep your knowledge to yourself?  Nobody is impressed that you knew something before they did.

Because they murdered someone.  Any other tough questions?

Former Vice Presidents have fared far better at becoming President than the majority of Biden’s competition, those whose most recent title is Senator.

It closed because the people who ran the restaurant overestimated the probability that all the people who want to be popular on the internet would back it up with action.

Nothing has ever stopped progressives from running for office, other than lack of support, or the expectation of lack of support, from voters.

I mean....centrists have been elected far more frequently than progressives. That’s not imagination, but historical fact.

So instead of listening to people who lost the election, listen to those who didnt even get on the ballot.