
“It’s not hysterical to say that this whole controversy seems to have turned American politics upside down.”

FFS, this site would be shitting its collective pants if Steve King used the same reference.

The purity-testing progressives are why the democrats will lose, they can’t go a fucking day without finding some new reason that anyone who would be better than a Republican isn’t actually better than a Republican.

it’s not even short sightedness, it’s outright blindness.  the republicans could do this *now*.

Why have you guys turned into such fucking candy-asses Sophie?

Lick your asshole.

Yep...if we’re gonna have an encyclopedia set’s worth of microagressions and dog whistles to use as evidence for racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc, we can have the same for anti-semitism (especially when they know fucking well they’d be foaming at the mouth if Steve King said exactly the same thing Omar did)

For a guy who hit .249 last year

It aint about pity, it’s about the quality of work being done. You really cool with people in power shrugging their shoulders because they’re sure the people in prison are guilty of *something*?

Ok...but if this guy is innocent of the crime he was actually sentenced for, that means theres another person who did it and nobody gives a fuck about finding them.

So her opposition to DNA testing may mean an innocent man spent years more in prison and possibly being put to death...but did she ever do anything as bad as criticizing her staffers?

No you see she “owned” them because “Rafael Shimunov” agreed with her.....

“wack”...totally owned...!!

The only ‘realistic’ I care about, which both Splinter and the larger traditional pundit outlets continually gloss over, is whether the candidate can realistically appeal(or be less unappealing) to swing-state voters. Do we have anyone with the charisma of a Reagan, Clinton, or Obama...or even the “I’d Have a Beer

I’m all for players getting their fair share. I’m also all for teams not signing idiotic decade-crippling contracts. I’m not an expert on what the current CBA is, but whatever the agreed upon split is, if owners don’t reach that through payroll, they should meet through contributions to pension/insurance to current

Really sucks that guy only got paid $1000 a day to carry some clubs around.

Nothing like having someone tell you they know whats  more important in your life than you do.

If they could kick all of Wall Street out they gladly would.  They won’t be happy until NYC is just a bunch of bodegas and coffee shops.

Word count: 49

You do you, starchaser.