But you’re a perennial winner?
But you’re a perennial winner?
I just want to ask everyone....is Avenatti helping yet?
It’s almost like one of these strikes against him is stronger than another because it happened less than a week ago and the whole country got to witness it.
You know this guy was the fucker who kept yelling “you fouled me! you fouled me!” in pickup games.....
That really seems quite plausible, that there was both a Brett Kavanaugh and a Mark Judge lookalike in the same place at the same time.
That scene in Die Hard with A Vengeance when Simon's team breaks into the Federal Reserve vault, and the fat security guard grabs a shotgun and starts screaming and firing randomly....that's Kavanaugh and the Senate GOP today
I'll think of a guy who may or may not have done some bad things in his youth, but for sure tried to put on a preposterous choirboy act when questioned, then went on a higly unhinged entitled trustfund baby rant after the coutry met his accuser.
The character he wanted to play is more like an Eddie Vedder than a Lady Gaga, and she was probably busy doing her own prep for her own role.
For the past week or so people have been saying “I wouldn’t blame her for not wanting to talk to a bunch of old white men who will gang up on her”....ok, so now that won’t be the case, you want her to feel comfortable, right?
“A friend” makes the claim she was abused, she doesn’t cooperate initially with MLB investigators, but then recently writes a blog post, MLB then takes it seriously pretty immediately.....so we’re criticizing them?
Apparently the weekday crew was also too busy to write about the latest news involving Keith Ellison that came out on Wednesday....
Fucking Chris Thompson is back again.
What? Nixon literally blamed *high* voter turnout for her loss.
It takes a special kind of Latte Partier to bemoan a black woman winning over a blonde white woman.
Seriously, “The result of this unconscionable influx in spending is that turnout is extremely high throughout the state today,”......whadafuq?
This is the white-privileged “don’t worry, we’ll win eventually” article I came here for.
No need to quit your job.....just spend all day commenting on internet blogs then complain that your greedy employer isn’t paying you fairly.
Thank fucking god Gabe was there to save the day
Seriously, “Why hasn’t this person gone to Congress with what they know”.....are you kidding me? You think Congress is just itching to do something, but is just patiently waiting for someone to ‘come to them’ with something?
You’re a *unionized blogger*.
Yes, everything is incredibly stupid.