She lost. States that the black guy won 4 years ago. Learn from it or not.
She lost. States that the black guy won 4 years ago. Learn from it or not.
He talked to them about their jobs. Fanci full unrealistic talk, sure, but he talked to them.
He talked to them. Hillary didn’t.
Hillary failed to campaign there, and she lost those states...which makes me the moron.
Oh, okay, I get it...people just weren’the big fans of Hillary. Gee, if only someone would have pointed that out way earlier, huh?
Which, yeah, that sucks and is unfair. My point though is, people are making this out to be some insurmountable hill of racism that can never be overcome. Just 4 years after we *re*-elected Obama. It can be done! If anyone is willing to calm down and not jump to their worst fears about people...
No, that’s not how it works.
And if Hillary really cared about them, she wouldn’t have avoided campaigning in their states.
Nobody is denying white supremacy exists or that they vote conservative. The point is, Hillary lost millions of popular votes and dozens of electoral votes that Obama previously won. 0% of those people who previously voted for Obama are Klan members. Now, do you want to figure out what they actually were motivated…
By god, you’re so right, a handful of Klan members celebrating in the south totally proves 60 million people across the whole country didn’t really care about economics at all.
White supremacists played a role in shoring up Trump’s numbers, but this year was a repudiation of the establishment, on both sides. The existing GOP establishment was already racist enough if that was what had mattered to most voters.
More condescension and identity politics. More encouragement of white people to recognize their whiteness, because that totally didn’t backfire at all.
Oh, I most certainly do. But feel free to double down on the failed campaign that was just run by Hillary if you like to keep losing.
Congratulations on not learning a goddam thing in the past 24 hours.
Except, aside from the emails, none of this is new or recent. She’s been a highly polarizing figure for over 20 years. This was highly predictable and avoidable.
Let’s keep playing identity politics. Let’s keep telling white people that they are some sort of bloc with their whiteness being the primary descriptor. Who cares that maybe it will start getting more of them to vote based on their whiteness?
Sorry, I couldn’t read past the “served her country during two wars” bullshit. There’s a widely accepted definition of what it is to ‘serve your country during war’ and it does not involve sitting in an office and voting to send other people to war.
Romney and McCain were only anointed after the immediately preceeding election. Democrats have had designs on an eventual Hillary run since the mid 90s.
If that makes you feel good.
Johnson and Stein both ran in 2012. Obama had no problem with them.