
You sound like a fucking retard. And I mean that respectfully, because that’s about the nicest thing I can say about you. You along with a couple other dimbulbs here complain about “millenials” even though they are less likely to support Trump than any other age group, and you twits constantly talk about this election

Yes, I know how they work. I also know that if you continually vote for the “lesser of what you don’the want” you will never get what you do want.

So I checked outta work early to go look, and while I didn’t spend a whole Lotta time ( had to make happy hour) and nothing jumped out as obviously Deadspinnish...someone (well, the Pickens family?) spent money on this

Just curious, if an election with two of the most disliked major candidates ever isn’t a good time to vote 3rd party, then when is?

Kyle Brady

In fairness, this is the most well-written and informative thing to appear on Deadspin in months.

I'd sooner get them from editorial cartoons than from other message board commenters.

im not criticizing others for trying to help.

yes, your generation is the only one that’s ever had to deal with economic obstacles.

i do what everyone else does, i vote and advocate for causes i believe in.

apologies for not having a medal to give you.

oh, millenials are going to "fix" things. can't wait for that.

years or IQ?

lol...I bet he got sued for that and had a $140 million judgement against him

Well, how many blog entries here on Jezebel are related to "reality shows" vs "sports"

Your list is incorrect.

A bit of a tangent, but did one of their updates reduce the frequency (or existence) of 10k eggs? I’ve hatched at least 15 eggs over the past week, and not a single new egg I’ve gotten has been a 10k. Or do they become less frequent at higher levels?

Yeah, I’ll take cargo shorts over carrying a purse.

I don’t know what’s more hilarious/pathetic, some people coming up with “pink elephant” comparisons for the ‘absurdity’ of including POC in this movie's setting, like the cooky old uncle who says he doesn't care if people are white or black or purple-polka-dotted....or if it's the people who say that including POC

And now you want to blame others for the comparison that you, of your own free will, chose to make. Yeah, doesn’t work that way. You came up with it, you own it. You chose “pink elephants falling from the sky” precisely because of how absurd the idea is, and you tried to tie it to the idea of POC being in WWI movie