
"What liberal honky and Joe Black refuse to see is that the majority of all crimes committed in this country are by black men. Mind you, most of this is black on black crime"——How much of that is related to the drug war, started and administered mostly by older white men who either a) learned nothing from Prohibition

Reading some of the comments here, you'd think Barkley is the only person who's been on CNN talking about these cases.

I'll admit, I don't watch CNN 24/7....are they not letting other people talk? Just one long, continuous loop of the Barkley interview?

I said tv. Let's not act like I only said twitter and facebook.

It would be awfully quiet on tv, twitter, facebook, streets of major cities if only the people who were 'experts' on these issues commented on them.

Similarly, we hear "The Brown/Garner cases are about more than just those individual instances"....but as soon as Barkley says something that isn't in line with what black people are, I guess, 'supposed to say' about those other issues beyond those particular instances, then it's "that has nothing to do with the

"You liberals cry so much."—-says the guy who wishes people would just stop disagreeing with him because it hurts his feelings.

After watching this video, I want to get a 99 jersey with "Naitch" on the back

I'm so happy my parents got rid of my Transformers, GI Joes, Star Wars toys just because I wasn't playing with them every day. And those football and baseball cards, why they looked like I had hardly even touched them.....

Now I know how Stefan Sortland felt.

I think Danica's top level is just fine.

Still curious why DS writers seem intent on labeling 'protestors' and 'Rams/Cardinals fans' as separate entities. Isn't the banner in the above picture identifying them as Rams fans?

"I'm a Gator, Orange and Blue Through and Through"————-I realize this is supposed to mean "I hate FSU, so it's not like I'm defending Winston because I want FSU to be good" but what it's really saying is "I worship good athletes in general above all else, so let's not talk about possible rape by athletes or how

If this was merely a St Louis problem, Missouri would be the only place that elected conservatives. And why assume the protesters are not also Cardinals fans?

I was wondering what it would be like if RG3 had chosen baseball instead.

Apparently it's homophobic because it's South Carolina, and it's ok to assume people in South Carolina are all alike and all subscribe to anti-black, anti-gay beliefs.

Hey, when I was a kid, I didn't talk to commoners either, and I turned out just fine.

I have a whole new level of re2pect for him now.


Football is a 'tough mans' game....just as long as they don't discuss sensitive topics that might hurt another tough man's feelings.