Notorious Hugs

I'm always down for some crushing catholic guilt!

Just like real life!

I haven't heard of this before now but it seems pretty interesting and obviously if John Lithgow is in it then I'll have to give it a shot.

Doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.

I wish someone would say that to me instead of, "Hey, didn't I tell you to stop hanging around here?!"

All of that, I still watch it when it comes on and you're right, they have been trying at least in terms of changing things up and I'm never really upset about any season. (Except 7 with the Leviathans) and it seems like the actors love the characters and the fans. Coupled with low ratings that stay consistent I guess

Which always bothered me why there wasn't a full version song like Ducktales and Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers had

I loved when Gizmoduck guest starred on Darkwing Duck in a handful of episodes

I hope Dean eats some scooby-snacks and gets addicted to them in some cartoonish way

Won't anybody think of Meteor Man?!

I feel like the score for nerd rage should be so much higher

Ah yes the "Boys Will Be Boys" clause

Big match John Cena will power through his injury and then hit the FU, excuse me attitude adjustment, and bury any chance of a career this sniper had.

So many conservatives are pissed off about this. It's hilarious, they're actually saying how they're boycotting ABC now on top of NBC and CBS for whatever reason.

It's easy to forget that, with all the shitheads that do have their own reality shows, some are actually decent human beings.

From what I remember, I was never bored with it and they had it stretched over 3 titles: The event, avengers and new avengers. That's quite a feat in and of itself.

Well it's about god damn time.

I don't remember seeing any kids rushing out to grab the sweet new ID:R toys and whatnot. I kind of remember when I was a kid there were some ID toys.

They're the original odd couple!

For some reason I picture him playing a sitar. It just seems like something he would, ah, play