
The ranger sounds like Patrick Warburton but the ranger is not credited and Google has been useless yet again.. Any insights?

so there's this eight year old TV series already on tv called The Big Bang Theory and….

All hurdles aren't the same size either. Standard track hurdles are 1.067 meters in height but there are agility hurdles in multiple sizes.

he was a talented a funny dude.. shame.. drugs r bad, mmkay? stop legalizing them and start shooting people who sell them. firing squad for drug dealers would solve the problem if America wasnt funding the so-called drug-war by using CIA plants to ensure the narcotics get here.

Wait, let me characterize every blog troll who has never had sex with a woman who had less body hair than himself: everything is offensive except joke that make fun of rich white guys, you racist, misogynists! Lol, am I right? It's not even hairy fat girls saying this, it's mega dork guys that girls do their nails

Wait, let me characterize every blog troll who has never had sex with a woman who had less body hair than himself: everything is offensive except joke that make fun of rich white guys, you racist, misogynists! Lol, am I right? It's not even hairy fat girls saying this, it's mega dork guys that girls do their nails

I'm Armenian and I still laughed (once my eyes stopped bugging out and I picked my chin up off the floor) at Ethel's joke about Armenians having unibrows and white BMWs. I always thought that was guidos.

I'm Armenian and I still laughed (once my eyes stopped bugging out and I picked my chin up off the floor) at Ethel's joke about Armenians having unibrows and white BMWs. I always thought that was guidos.