
Lee is a person who routinely spends his days torturing the language and if you start asking him questions he’ll tell you “THEY TWISTED MY WORDS”.

The point isn’t so much that they are anonymous, but that this person isn’t taking actual measures to stop it, and wrote this dumbass opinion piece basically asking to be called a hero while hiding behind anonymity. I mean, jesus, he’s saying he and the Cabinet have been considering actual constitutional measures, but

This suggests two things to me:

Yeah, I mean hooray for pissing trump off, but this op ed is infuriating. “We don’t want to use the legal mechanisms at our disposal to deal with this problem, and it’s a complete coincidence that this legal mechanism would make our party look utterly horrible. Instead we, a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, are

I mean, you do realize that’s basically one of the central plot points of Rogue One and why the Rebels getting the Death Star plans in A New Hope was so crucial...

I like that this dickshit says no one wants to cause a Constitutional crisis by invoking the 25th when that would be the exact fucking opposite of a Constitutional crisis, since it’s a specific Constitutional remedy for this exact fucking situation.  Fuck this coward who wants to think this will save him/her.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with these people.

HA. Jokes on YOU. I'm in my 30s!

Then for once I agree with them.

The official GOP response:

Your assuming the ex-homeless guy was telling the truth. Which addicts in general do not do. Chances are there is more then $15 a day under the surface.  No one is clean here.  Its great the guy’s life improved enough to hire a “team” of lawyers but I suspect when the dust settles there will be a shit stink coming

Nothing about this story makes sense. (no, it was written just fine, I just don’t understand the whole thing)

If only they’d kept it real. Now Chappelle’s gonna have to come back to sketch comedy.

This is the international relations version of the conversation I’m going to have with my kids about weed

Or possibly a Hallmark Channel movie churned out in about a week; could go either way.

Lawful evil. Sometimes it comes in handy 


Well we all know that Ashy Larry wasn’t one of those shot...