Your username just gave me flashbacks.
Your username just gave me flashbacks.
I thought the most damning line was "I can shake it, shake it like I'm supposed to do." Seems like affirming her ability to be sexy to the Male Gaze.
I've seen that happen, but maybe not to the extreme of a Cool Girl who only hangs out with the opposite gender. I've only ever seen guys do it, though, to ingratiate themselves with women they want to bang. The Nice Guy types.
But how do you feel about spiders?
Either way, I'm in. Is Glamour Shots still in business?
Ouch. Burn. Well played.
In the Vulture article, an actress said a guy actually came on her.
That's because we Leos keep breaking away from the orthodoxy to start our own terror cells.
Agreed. All the douchebaggery gods pull off in every mythology makes a lot more sense when they're just greedy physical beings like humans .
I'm with you, but I just want more reasons to hate on this guy's work
Lasers, man. If you're going to do it, make it last.
He lives ten minutes from me. I'll yell from the mansion's front gate.
Legit question here: As a guy who works out, exactly when should I worry about crossing the line into "He must be dumb" territory? Is it a matter of dress/appearance? How much can I show off without coming off as try-hard and shallow?
I'm a martial artists myself, and I quite enjoy the type of fitness I've gained from Crossfit. It really is a generic type of conditioning that can be applied to other sports (or martial arts). You just have to be choosy, get to know the place a bit, so you don't end up in a super douche-tastic place only focused on…
I'm a Crossfitter. I generally hate Crossfitters too.
What would be a passive yet engaging type of choreography?
I try to live by "buy quality, cry once."
I would love to be invited to anything white tie or even strict black tie. (I would also love the disposable income for it. ) It's really disappointing how men have no drive to dress up for anything, even weddings. It's disrespectful.
I take offense. I choose sabers at dawn.
I get the same insulting comments about my multiple styles of fencing who have only experienced combat via Xbox.