Mystik Spiral

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Silly Silver Age as opposed to dark, depressing, the audience wishes it were dead-Modern Age

James is not very good with doing research before posting comic book related stories.

To compete with Chinese production, you’d need to pay US workers something like a dollar a day. Not an option.

Jesus Christ, this is exactly the reason you don’t want “business people” who only see beyond the end of their nose thinking they can strongarm their way through a diplomatic engagement like getting 30% off your cable bill by threatening to cancel.

I’m old enough to remember the liberal freakout when Reagan was elected and everyone (including me) was utterly convinced that meant sure nuclear war and the world’s ending. Trump is not normal, and will not be a normal president in any sense, but the office is both larger and smaller than he is and that’s not going

Spend 30 years with normal diplomatic relations with a country. New guy comes in, gives you the finger. This is them giving the finger back you myopic, uninformed fucking idiot.

Typical American arrogance, thinking you’re the backbone of China’s economy. If they gave a fuck about American “importance” anymore, they wouldn’t make the statements they are.

What do you think would happen if US companies were suddenly forced to produce their goods in countries where the production costs will

I am seriously sick of this shit. There will be elections in 2 years we can try to mitigate this fucking nightmare by taking back control of the house or sit under our beds crying. If we want control of the house the work needs to start NOW. Indulging in this end of democracy end of the world bullshit does nothing.

Don’t be apocalyptic. Of course there will. In two short years. It’s hard-wired in the code of our country, nothing Trump can do can stop it.

He’ll send a stern letter with some unvarnished language, perhaps.

Stop looking for deus ex machina, liberals. We’re in the shit, and only years of work and plenty of sweat and tears are going to get us out of it. There will be no M. Night Shamalan twist ending this week to make things all happy. The electors are going

I think Putin knew he didn’t have to actually “rig” the election. He bet on the stupidity and the apathy of the American people, which is a safe fucking bet.

We should hack their election and have Hillary Clinton win it, then we can all move to’s possible I haven’t thought this through.

The absence of criminal charges does not mean the absence of rape.

Well charges were never filed. End of story there right. Must be nothing at all to see. Lord knows upstanding police departments the world over have never neglected to do their job before when it came to student athletes and sexual assault. Phew, glad we can all Move on now 

“make our program great again.”

Holy fuck that is fitting.

What a pathetic hill to die on. If they boycotted because a rapist(s) went unpunished, that would be awesome. I’d even happily accept boycotting a game because they don’t get paid. But to boycott in support of rapists?

I’m pretty okay with not giving a guy his own movie just because he has a cool helmet.

But she never went into space. QED.

Ah well, when an employee who’s not an employee is in a driverless car that’s not a driverless car, it’s easy to understand why they might treat a red light like it’s not a red light.