
At work now but I have a study that specifically took rape victims from Canada and looked at their experiences dealing with the police/cross examination and conviction rates. The study concluded that it was safer for women to not report rape as the experience of doing so was too traumatic to justify the lack of

Sounds like you’re coming from a place as someone who hasn’t tried to get their rapist convicted in a Canadian court.

He wont be convicted because just like America, we do not convict rapists. I speak from experience.

So sorry. :(

Oh, Kanye. I've defended you so many times and now you turn around and do this to me? I guess we can't be best friends anymore.

I've been around for 2.5 years. When I first found Jezebel it felt like I had found a community. I loved the comments and commenting. When the grey system was introduced it felt really polarizing. I realized that only certain people were valued in these conversations. Then I started watching my favorite commenters

Obviously not. If it was to keep us from seeing rape .gifs and other horrible trolls it would be one thing. However it’s been continuously used to, as you said, demote commenters. It’s ridiculous. I used to comment all the time and now I barely ever do. Constantly grey’d and I’m not even very controversial...

This is exactly why I never reported.

Lucky! I work in a university.... downtown.... haha lame.

do grown ups outside of Canada actually get snow days? It’s going to take me 3 hours to commute to work tomorrow if the weather warnings are right.. but I will.. because I have to. CANADA!

Must be so hard for you.....

I was walking home from my bus stop after work one day when a guy chased me out of the bus and started asking weird questions about directions to a very ambiguous area (not where he needed to go just the name of a main street). I gave him directions and then he continued to follow me. Asked me what I did, where I

I did this last year. I had just realized how many books I was reading were written by males and decided to dedicate the year to reading mostly female writers. It was amazing going to the book store and having to actually search for books because most of the recommended ones were by men.

And if she doesn’t own a car or know anyone who supported her enough that they would drive her? and if she has no money?

Right now it’s 17C in Ottawa.

As a recently single person; I cried though out this whole episode.

Is the chance of passing that condition on 0.01% with proper medical intervention?

There’s no reason to tell someone that. So why would they? What kind of difference does it make if someone had chlamydia ten years ago?

What about people who contracted it from rape? You're absolutely a ridiculous human being. Also I grantee you that women who previously had a curable std are not being honest when you ask that question.

Are you even serious right now? Something like 60% of people have this. In Canada they don’t even include it in tests. You can only be tested if you have an outbreak. There are tons of people who never get an outbreak and therefore never know they have it. There’s no point in spending the money on the tests because