
Everyone claiming that it took Adele too long to come out with a new CD. Well, you can thank me because every CD she has released has coincided with me going through a serious breakup. Driving with her blasting while I have multiple feelings is my life. haha

I don’t want to respond to her directly but Jesus, the way some of the writer’s on this site respond to the people who are fans and read this site religiously is off the charts insanely rude. Like sorry, you can’t have an opinion about anything we write about or any of the changes that go down here! Why even have a

You are my favorite. FYI.

cosigned- someone who broke her tibia miniputting

Love, you are doing everything right. All you can do is love her and be there for her always. There’s no guarantee with these things. My mom was abused as child (from 3-12 until the man killed himself in front of her) and she is still all kinds of fucked up but her family was not there for her at all and let the man

Samesies. :(

Pretty sure if someone is denying services to people based on their race or religion that they should be arrested. There are laws against that for a reason.

This is disheartening. All I want is fat grafting in to my butt. I want it so bad.


That’s effed. Tell him to write new songs.

I logged in to Tinder after this update and the first person I got was wearing a cowboy hat and enjoyed hunting. Fail.

Oh god, get out of here. She never said in her comment that a woman was not capable of raping a man. She just said what she would feel entitled to do if she herself was raped by a man.

I lost 80 pounds and then got super discouraged by the way men started looking at me and how gross it made me feel. So I gained 20 back. (also, I have no self control. Give me cake, plz)

You just reminded me about bread! haha

omg I feel this so bad.

THIS COMMENT TO THE TOP! I am so so excited! I haven’t felt pride to be Canadian since I turned 18 and voted in my first federal election that year. The first year Harper was voted in. I was so excited to vote and then was met with such disappointment and sickness.

Two of the new cabinet ministers are also aboriginal :) we are happy right now. Almost anything would have been better than Harper but at this point I’m blown away.

I’ve had tons of similar experiences when growing up. Everything intensified when I hit puberty. It kinda scared me and I ended up blocking it off. I’ve been told by random complete strangers that I’m extremely gifted and I am working really hard to open back up to it.

Maybe the house you were in intensified because

No one will see this either but I just found out someone I was kinda seeing (after kinda recently getting out of an abusive relationship) is super racist.

Soo... hugs?

currently dressed up at my desk