
I commented too that I’ve experienced something similar and never realized it was a thing. I have a creepy memory usually. As in, I usually try to pretend to not remember as much about things as I do because it tends to freak people out in the “ARE YOU OBSESSED WITH ME?” way.. but I have about a year where I only have

Hey, this happened to me! I never really talked to anyone about it or realized it was a thing. I always feel like I’ve just repressed all those memories but I was in psych wards twice as a teenager after suicide attempts and can only remember fragments of my time there. Like two or three memories of a combined year

haha oh yeah, I totally get that!! Now that I think about it I think I’ve seen this happen a few times right before a breakup...

True story, I tried this pointy nail face a while ago. Until one night I was drinking and my eye got really itchy and I went to itch it but obviously just ended up scratching the shit out of it.

omg i love this!!!!! brb, sending to boyfriend. I’ll let you guys know.

Haha my boyfriend never uses facebook. Like never posts or likes anything. He just scrolls through his feed. I tag him in the sporadic photos of stuff we do with his kids and pictures of his kids because his friends and family from where he grew up really appreciate it. Now I’m worried people think that about me!!!

Am I the only person who has never been mad at or upset about any of the mommy posts on my facebook feed? I either actively want to see them or I scroll through them and dgaf. The only people I’ve ever unfollowed are people that post too many inspirational quote photos of text and shit. They’re family so I don’t

My abortion was traumatic because I was told by society that it was supposed to be. I was taught that I was supposed to be upset and second guessing myself. I was traumatized by feeling like I was a terrible person for NOT feeling bad, for NOT feeling traumatized by the experience. It does not have to be a traumatic

I got this too. I was a little upset.

Grease was my favorite movie growing up. I remember singing that line so loud and then one day realizing what it meant with shock and much laughter.

What does this have to do with the fact that the FDA has mislead the population in to thinking that eating fat-free foods are healthy and that fat is the devil?

Yeah, no. This person is actually insane. First- if you are at a party with kids maybe keep the flammable shit and dangerous shit somewhere that they can’t get to it? Second, this was a child and it is possible that the child suffered permanent damage by being kicked in the balls that hard. Is this not child abuse?

Yes. A million times, yes!

That story broke my heart.

“No struggle” “No screaming” is problematic enough when talking about people who are mentally able to consent, let alone using it on someone who has a disease that physicians have determined rendered her unable to consent to sexual contact.

I go to music festivals every summer here in Canada. The fashion of the festivals goes like this: "Is this comfortable and weather appropriate?" "Will these shoes give me blisters?" "Do I mind if this gets dirty/ripped/ otherwise ruined?"

I guess they’re just not going to address it at all?

I think this answer is yes. And I’m hoping it also applies to 27 year olds...

I've been told this too. But while I'm not on a diet for gluten intolerance, I am on a high protein diet that means I don't eat any of the things that obviously have gluten in them. Hasn't made it disappear. :(

I will try this. I will try anything. Especially now that it's started to migrate to my butt. Thanks, life. Haha