Yeah. That’s what it looks like to me. But I also never notice plastic surgery until it gets to the Leah Miller stage.
Yeah. That’s what it looks like to me. But I also never notice plastic surgery until it gets to the Leah Miller stage.
This just killed me. I am dead.
I think it’s just the picture?
Old people have no shame in gym change rooms. There’s one every morning in my gym that we call the “naked swimming lady”. As soon as she’s in the change room she is naked. She will walk over and talk to everyone while being naked. She will do as much as possible with her snatch in your face.
Not that I want to get into an argument about this, but being a critic of people who support Israel’s policies does not equal antisemitism or racism in the least bit.....
I've had them since I was a kid. I asked my doctor once and he just told me there's nothing to do about it and to stop worrying. Except now they're way worse. My lotion is lavender scented but I haven't noticed a difference in them since using it. I think it is KP.
This. When I was a teenager I probably said a lot of problematic shit because I had no idea/ education in these issues. I grew up in a small town, I thought I was extremely progressive and always tried to be the most liberal person to live, but I didn’t really have the full socialization/knowledge to understand…
I am a very outspoken critic of Israel and not antisemitic at all. Being outspoken against the policies and procedures and politics of a country does not make you racist/hate the people/etc. That being said, I read the screencaps and no he does not talk about Jewish people but mostly black people/ hispanic people.
Yes. I recently became obsessed with smelling lavender (probably because I've been ridiculously stressed out for the past few months) and now own everything lavender scented. I have horrible breakouts, but most of this product does not go on my face. But I also have those little bumpy things all over my arms and do…
I’m having one of those weird days where everything makes me cry. Like, I cried reading this article?? Why??? but this comment had my laughing so hard. So thanks!
I actually met my partner of 2 years on POF. We are very happy. I usually don’t admit how we met outloud.
Ugh, we’re totally gonna get shit on but this is one of the main reasons I do not believe in the death penalty. There are a lot of very terrible people in the world that make me very upset but I always wonder what happened to this person to make them this way? What did life/society/family teach this person? Everyone…
Once in a desperate plateau I let someone at a healthfood store talk me in to the jetfuel line (200 dollars later...) and the whole two weeks I took them I felt a mixture of high and feeling like I was going to puke. It was terrrrible.
I’ve never in my life ever worn a bikini. I always thought I was too fat. And now that I am actually fat I look back and think, fuck, I coulda rocked a bikini so hard.
I actually have one of these notebooks saved as well as a binder full of notes we sent to each other during the day. I have it hidden because I’m terrified someone else will find it and see how embarrassing we were back then. But hell, it’s fun to look back on it in the privacy of my own house.
If you look at pictures of my mom from when I was about 13 and go through the years until I turned 18 you can SEE what I did to her. Sometimes I buy her facials, but I’ll never be able to make up for it...
Preach. 13-18 were so rough for me. Plagued by eating disorders, suicide attempts, awful anxiety and feeling like NOBODY UNDERSTANDS ME. haha.. oh god. I feel so bad for all teenagers. Their worlds are so small.
Yeah, I’m over here like “You guys, when I have a baby I’m going to post pictures all the damn time.” IDGAF, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to follow me/ be my fb friend.
I’m glad I missed that because even just reading your short description of it filled me with rage. Ughh
4. It takes double the amount of water to produce one bottle of water. The process also destroys fresh water sources for poor countries who do not have any access to filtration systems and therefore destroys their only source of safe drinking water. :(