
Yes. Please. It takes two liters of water to produce one liter of bottled water. Not to mention that the water they end up bottling is usually sourced from fresh water supplies of poorer countries who do not have water filtration systems. The process completely destroys their fresh water supplies and then they die.

Thanks to this I just spent an hour perusing for vintage makeup. There was so much I wanted! Compacts used to be so pretty. Unfortunately shipping to Canada is outrageous and there is nowhere locally to buy this sort of thing. Sigh. One day.

Your nose is really nice! Don't hate on it!

When I realized that my parents 10th anniversary was 5 months after my 10th birthday. I have always enjoyed talking about how I am a bastard child/unplanned and it upsets my mom which makes it way funnier. We are close, it’s cool.

It’s the first time I’ve ever heard of the story and I think it’s amazing. Keep telling it.

Watched this without sound and it was one of the weirdest experiences of my life. What even is this?

Maybe also a Canadian thing because all the ladies in my friendgroup love it as well. We quote it all the time.

I am a woman and a fan.

I'm trying to figure out if I can take a loan out to get this. This would be everything to me.

You should do one of these!

Putting colour back in to your hair after bleaching actually makes your hair feel healthier. Bleaching causes holes and science shit in hair and putting colour back in fills those holes and more science shit. I am platinum with super damaged hair and I've been adding blonde colour to my hair for a while just to make

I just want you to know that I stared at your ass for a long time and was very jealous. Congrats on the butt.

When I was 14 I went on a date with a 27 year old. I thought all these things you mention about myself (and really, I was a pretty mature kid) and I thought that a 27 year old wanting to date me was SUPER COOL. Until I got here and he started touching me. For some reason, my mind flipped and I realized how predatory

Yes, me too! I don't understand what everyone else is talking about. My heart will break if it doesn't continue. But I also binge watch stuff and understand that the feeling you get from a show when you get to watch the whole season in a day or two is a lot different than when you watch one episode and then have to

I don't care what you all are saying. I love this show and I will be heartbroken if it doesn't continue. Mindy Kaling is one of my favorite people on this planet.

My Sephora is so super helpful. I am sad for you. There are always the employees that suck but most of the time I get such nice people.

Seconding the Stila one. Mine stayed on routinely when swimming in a lake. The first few times I kept wiping under my eyes assuming I looked like a racoon but when I would go inside I would notice that my eyeliner was right where I left it.

That gif made me so happy! I am much better. :)

I hope you are doing better now!