
Ignore my other post. I'm going to go buy these products and try this tonight. haha

I am all about the brow but can't stand youtube tutorials. I use dipbrow and have relative success except that the blonde colour (they don't carry the new light blonde at my Sephora yet..) is a bit dark for my skin/brows. So sometimes it ends up looking way too instagramfleekfail. What I'm saying is, what other

Oh my god, I did not even think of that! :(

Understand that women that suffer from eating disorders regularly get complimented when they are at their sickest. It is not helpful to point out that you find someone who is sick conventionally attractive in their thinness. It might also be helpful to understand that this idea of her body while sick was more

i love and hate her so much. I'm watching on Netflix and haven't seen this season yet so I can't read any of the threads on here. It kills me. I need someone to talk about this with! I can't convince my friends to start watching it no matter how hard I try.

I had a cat that went apeshit over pizza. She was so small but as soon as she smelled pizza she turned ferocious. I once caught her dragging a piece of pizza that was two times the size of her through my hallway.

I still had DD cups while anorexic. I was also pale and couldn't stand without blacking out a little. Oh and there was the fun time my heart almost gave out on me at 14 and I was hospitalized for most of my grade 12 year. But yeah, all the dudes thought I was super beautiful. Seriously, get over your boner.

I starved myself and was in and out of the hospital for it throughout middleschool and highschool. Every time I relapsed I got compliments from people about how good I looked. I look back on pictures and I looked gross. I looked like I was about to pass out at any given time. It's hard, man.

Ahhh. Now I'm scared that I am secretly destroying my skin. Thanks for the information though.

This is a nightly struggle for me. I know that my legs will be insanely itchy if I don't slather myself in coconut oil and vaseline before bed... but... it's so cold!

I also am addicted to LUSH though. :)

I suffer from acne that just suddenly showed up in my early 20s. The only thing that has helped (and believe me, I've tried everything) is oil cleansing with unscented baby oil. My face is finally almost completely clear for the first time in years. I know many others have had this same effect so I'm confused as to

I've been using coconut oil as a moisturizer forever but it never worked that well (I like the smell!) that is until I discovered to put vaseline OVER TOP of the coconut oil. I do it at night and holy crap, is my skin amazing now!

I just want to live in the trees! Ottawa is okay but I've spent my entire life between here (and various suburbs around here) and Toronto and I just can't anymore? Or I just need it to not be minus a million degrees anymore.... it could just be a seasonal hatred I've accumulated.

I'm from Ottawa and going crazy and now I just want to move there. What is the weather like? Can I get a job? haha

I read this and then googled recipes. Then called my boyfriend to say "Did you know that clementine cake is a thing that exists? why does the world hate me?!"

I'm on a diet. But I hope your cake is delicious!

I usually have my big mixing bowl on the counter when I cook for all the compostable cooking garbage. It works really well as long as I remember to/ am not too lazy to dump it after each time I cook (and then wash the bowl). Then again, my boyfriend doesn't clean (much to my dismay).



No. Just stop.