
OMG I have three step-sons in the house. So while my boyfriend is pretty good at wiping up his business (keeping toilet seat down though? He actually flat out refuses) but the kids are TERRRIBLE. I'm always asking him to have a talk with them routinely about why it's important (as in, someone else has to clean your

I am so down with people loving whoever they want, however they want (obligatory as long as it is consensual blurb). I fully understand that love looks different for everyone and that we all experience everything in life differently and I also have friends that I wish would accept a poly-amorous lifestyle because they

The whole time I was reading this I was thinking "hey, that sounds interesting. I wonder if I could do that." and then I thought about all time I spend with my partner, all the things we do and how much I think about him. God, I am just way too lazy to be able to date anyone else!

I loved Asylum but it's true, it was all over the place. But Kit was so hot.


Canada: a year long and up to 60% of your salary paid by the government. Some employers (like mine) will cover what the government doesn't pay. I don't understand how the rest of you do it :(

Parents with small children parking spots are mostly used for safety's sake, I think. Carrying a baby and having your two small kids to walk through a parking lot during Christmas with? I almost had a heart attack last year doing it by myself. If it's my partner and I, sure we will park wherever. If I, for whatever

Thank god I'm not the only grown up that is this bad at math. Team!

That's it. Get in.

I need this. I hope they have it in Canada.

Day 1: Blow out and feel Marvelous and unstoppable
Day 2: Try to dry shampoo the shit out of all the sweat in my hair from the gym and attempt to recreate blowout. Fail miserably. Spend half they day fussing over it before putting my hair up.

One of my favorite pastimes is asking my step sons if they have any girlfriends or boyfriends. They each rat each other out on who the others girlfriend is and then the one that gets ratted out explains to me EXACTLY why that girl is not his girlfriend. Most recent example; "Holly is NOT my girlfriend! I don't even

I saw "faggy" and noped out of there.



I actually just teared up reading about this whale. Oh god, my soft heart.

Omg this is terrifying and brilliant.

BRB emailing this to everyone in my contacts list.

Piggy backing to declare my crush on Mindy.

Me too. Especially since I just learned that no one else here likes her???