
I haven't watched her since I was a teenager but I always liked her back then.... I feel like I've missed something or my stupidity as a teenager got in the way.

I wear a full face every day too! I wish I could pull off not wearing makeup but when I turned 24 my skin all of a sudden decided to act like a teenager's skin and nothing I do has helped.

Thank you! There was a belt?

BRB Going down the google rabbit hole...

I had the same feeling.

We need to see pictures of the inside!


OMG we were dyinggggggggg!

The butterscotch candy part killed me. That was the moment when I realized this show was amazing.

I'm saving this and hoping that I remember I have it once my step-son's hit the right age.

I make frequent trips to Montreal. So I feel like since I was a kid I've seen how not to do lipliner. (is this a joke that only people from Ottawa will get? Soon we find out!)

I'm going to try to make this this weekend. I hope it does not turn out like most of the things I attempt from pinterest (total failure).

Me too. The struggle...

Okay so I'm not saying to overdraw your lips.... but...... Get a lip pencil and draw your outline the very edge/above your lip. I found that before I was always doing it on the inside of my lip and when I draw it half way on the inside with a bit of the line going on on the skin it makes a huge difference without

As a fellow small-lipped woman: you can pull off colours! I promise. I started wearing lipstick last year and now I am obsessed.

I wanted lip injections for a while until i realized that it wasn't just how thin my lips are.. it's the shape too. DAMNnnn.

He doesn't cook or clean. He does his own laundry and that is it. But he doesn't put it away. He also is on disability for PTSD and doesn't work while I work full time and go to school. I'm losing my mind. He is great in every other way. He just has zero motivation to clean. He ACTUALLY doesn't care.

I WISH. Mine is on leave for PTSD. He went from a mom taking care of him to the military to a girlfriend doing everything. Now I work insane hours and he stays at home doing nothing.

You guys. This boyfriend who doesn't clean thing is a real issue for me. I wanted to cry after reading this:

You are officially my favorite person. I hope everyone you drunk messaged has a good sense of humor.

After never seeing the sunlight during the winter (it's dark when I get in and dark when I leave, oh and minus a million degrees), I love when I get longer hours of sunlight in spring/summer. It's amazing. I need it. I need to have an hour or two to sit out in the sun when I get home! Like, today, I am not happy. But