

I’d pay $50 to watch a livestream of tiny acrobats kicking the shit out of Daniel Lamarre.

Honestly, I’d pay $35/ticket for them to just live-stream a performance if that helped them keep their jobs. I’d probably pay more than that. This is sad.

I was a Warren supporter, and the Bernie trolls are actually a big part of why I’m leaning Biden now.

This Elizabeth Warren supporter is a proud dog owner and I have a strict, no-human food for doggos policy. So, much like almost every other policy proposal she’s laid out thus far, I continue to stand behind her 100%.

You don’t understand why people who are horrified by the horror show sitting at 1600 PA Ave understand that Joe, while far from perfect, is infinity times better that what we have and, from their view, likely has the best chance to fix this situation? I mean, my Facebook feed is liberal af too and I was probably as sur

What was the point of this story? That you went to Minnesota?

This article is more beautiful than its subject.

IDK I thought the “sweeping reform candidate with ACTUAL FUCKING STEP-BY-STEP PLANS” was a pretty great niche but what do I know

Um, two years ago we millennials were being touted as the drunkest, most wine-soaked generation of all time. We can’t now be killing wine like a measly 24 months later. We are plenty drunk on wine. I’m literally hung over from a cali pinot right now. This one cannot be pinned on us. Thank you.

We can all take some small measure of solace knowing that at least for whatever amount of time you spent writing this, you weren't writing something else.

I thinkNatalie Portman’s outfit, which includes a cape embroidered with the names of snubbed women directors, deserves more than an “it’s fine” brush off. 

You guys are really committed to these shitty videos, aren’t you? 

A huge part of the tension is age ofcourse. I am a brown woman in my mid40s and don’t feel anything more than lukewarm about the candidates that are left.I would have happily gotten behind Kamala and Julian but.... For me, there’s an alternative timeline since 2016 that splits off and that I can see but is just out of

How are all of these movie reviews so bad?

my takeaway was definitely different.

Considering the only way new characters ever got introduced to that show was by sleeping with, or being related to one of the Friends, there probably weren’t a lot of other options. It still feels yucky though. All those women were too good for Ross anyways. They deserved better.

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

“[The cashier has] feelings and hopes and dreams and aspirations.”