
Well, of course I had to be wrong! :-) Thanks for the link, I had no idea.

Me, too! Woo-hoo! Usually, I never even see the “wanted” post or it’s too late or I don’t have a “share.”

“Mom’s car (1980? Datsun 510 Wagon) is a death trap! Do NOT drive it fast, slow w-a-y down around turns. Borrow dad’s car: (also 1980? 1979? Toyota Celica GT) It’s got a stick and it’s quick and fun to drive!”

2007 only, 300 worldwide, 65 imported to the USA. Mine is #204 (apparently they were randomly numbered (not in VIN sequence) and MV didn’t keep records! Oh, Italy, how I love you!).

Thank! I can’t wait to get new tires on it, change the fluids, do a little cleaning a polishing and start riding it this spring once the roads are clear.

Sorry, but I found the dopest motorcycle for sale online (craigslist in this case)...and I bought it yesterday:

Agree to disagree. Digital has an unarguable clarity to it but it lacks the warmth of analog. That’s the crux of it. Well, also, you never have to clean a computer file or worry about scratching it.

You may be unaware of how the economy is actually functioning right now. It’s doing great, although, yes, minimum wage and other service jobs pay poorly.

I think this is worth repeating:

This! A 1,000 times this!

Oh, not necessarily, I was just going along with the Jalopnik writers suggestions. And when Tom McParland is the one saying “Miata!” you have to pay attention.

Something that has at least a 170cc engine will make it highway-legal throughout the USA (assuming we’re talking about street-legal motorcycles with headlights, taillights, brakelights, turn signals and mirrors). I would say anything under 400cc is a great bike to learn on. Even better, unless you can afford a new

Steve, I’m with you re: motorcycles. But, no, the XR150L can not go everywhere: it isn’t freeway-legal in the USA. It needs to be at least 170cc for that. Otherwise, it is cheap urban transportation and easy enough to transport for off-road riding.

Yeah, too bad it wasn’t posted at 4:20...

Dude/Babe! So wrong. It’s in the title:

Yeah, and a Sawzall will get that roof off in no time!

Although I do enjoy a little schadenfreude over these videos, I have to admit my own incident with a box truck and a low overhead. I was in a very bad place in life and not thinking too clearly (oh, it happened in Vegas and I was temporarily homeless, too). I had a bunch of my stuff in the back of a 10' U-Haul truck,

First: Elizabeth! I adore you and enjoy your writing. I can tell by this piece that you are just jonesing for the 2023 F1 season to begin this weekend. My advice: ease up on the caffeine!

I just wanted to applaud you for being so nice with this list of stuff to do for the OP on their visit to Durham.

Oh, no, I wasn’t suggesting that. Just that nobody should be “investing” in collectibles with the intent of striking it rich at some point. I think that you l”ove having them around” is the perfect, and only, reason for buying such stuff. You know, that Marie Kondo “spark joy” kind of thing.