Lol yeah because demanding men follow strict appearance guidelines isn’t the exact same thing with the opposite gender. I hope you were using some kind of poor sarcasm..
Lol yeah because demanding men follow strict appearance guidelines isn’t the exact same thing with the opposite gender. I hope you were using some kind of poor sarcasm..
Is anyone actually debating that they’d rather take transit than drive their cars? In Canada, there are 2 cities with viable, proper public transit. Then there are multiple cities that charge $4 a ride to hang with homeless people and go 4 stops before changing to another train
What a negative spin on someone saying that a little competition within the team would be healthy. I read some other comments throughout the last week highlighting how certain writers choose to take innocent little comments and make an entire article discussing how naughty they were. Context, people
Lol Tina
Lol Tina
When you see the video in full screen, you can see there is clearly a white tarp keeping the tree from touching the paint. Your point is valid, but the driver was wise here :)
Because it matters very little with most types of tea. Brew times are suggestions based on strength. I know many daily tea drinkers who use raw leaves, without a vessel, and they’re sit at the bottom of the cup/pot til you’re finished.
Yeah... The human brain is a beautiful machig of parallel processing but let’s not pretend it’s the same as a computer. Can you calculate integrals in a split second? Likely no. Also, your brain doesn’t even recieve visual information for hours of each day... You literally fill in gaps with prior info when your eyes…
Well, good that they’re not using standard 18650 cells then
No, when you own a company that has automated vehicle technology, you own assets. Patents, vehicles, trademarks, land are all assets and clearly you’re a bit clueless about general accounting. Have a good one :)
Oh lol so you know less about it than I do and you’re just being an uneducated dick. Investing in assets still boost your company valuation even though it increases losses. But since we don’t know what their spending habits are like, you can’t confirm that Uber loses money every trip BASED ON opperation costs - which…
Just curious, Where are you getting that information from..? Its still not a publicly operated company so everything you’re saying may or may not be true..? I couldn’t locate current financial documents only articles stating revenues
Large oversimplification and “every trip” would include additional trips, by definition of “every”
No, they’re not losing money on every trip. Accounting is a funny thing, but it does NOT cost more than 3.65 billion dollars to host a server for an app that hasn’t changed in a ~year. Their losses coincide with insane asset growth, this is what happens with new companies and the owners likely pay themselves massive…
It is when it’s indented for over a week... Baseball players wear helmets man, and when they get dinged in the head with pitches they are often concussed. “This wasn’t so bad when it happened to me at *half the speed* and hit my arm” is a stupid, unintelligible reply
Do doctors have higher rates of alcoholism and drug use because of this reason? Seems like high stress jobs just have more draw towards drugs. Lawyers aren’t all evil, it’s just stupid people who say that because they don’t understand the highly rigorous justice system
1st. After owning AWD RWD and FWD vehicles, AWD is certainly not overrated. Perhaps you need more experience.
While drivers matter less, I don’t think it’s fair to say they don’t matter.
Pretty arrogant reply for someone so misinformed though..