
Actually looks like it plays better than the Xbox One version and definitely runs better here than it does on my launch Xbox One. scaled graphics considered.

Feelings and campaigning on a promise to implement anti-gay conversion therapy are two different things, mmmmmmmmmmk? The latter would mean public tax dollars would be spent on ignorant bigot-brained bullshit.

The left opposes being so uncomfortable with gay people that you want to see them be psychologically tortured until they’ve been convinced they’re not gay anymore because that is Bad, Actually.

“Speed cameras are a fact of life these days, and are generally accepted as such”

You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’

I’m sure some of these unfortunate people suffered radial fractures as a result of Goodyear’s aggressive cover up and spinning of the story. I think they should always remember not to tread on their customer. They’ll just have to tighten their belts and lay down some settlement money before public sentiment goes flat

Must be an Apple employee as he tries to state that the iPhone X can record audio better than a pro grade microphone. I’m just surprised he didn’t use the word ‘Bigly’

Seriously, that’s all I can think of. Sort of how Florida Man is every crazy dude in Florida that commits a crime, this guys is Mercedes Man.

This is the epitome of owning a Mercedes. The car sounds fine but the owner sounds like a trash fire of a human being.

Oh Jesus.... Here come the commie comments! Ironic seeing as how we now have a President who very much acts like a communist dictator.

Anytime I read a comment from anyone who uses the term “Obummer” stop reading. Because usually the comments made are pretty idiotic.

The Millenials (and beyond) had better have their shit together. The political party that claims to care so dearly about future generations (esp. the unborn) seems to have no compunctions about burying them in an ocean of debt. And this is debt that does absolutely nothing for them, unless they’re one of the very

Gen X here. We consider ourselves lucky only because Millenials got fucked so much worse. But other than that, we’re well and proper fucked.

There’s nothing quite as hilarious as watching the “Me Generation” complain about these lazy selfish kids that they raised without the slightest hint of 

Who’s idea was it to defund education and sell off student loan debit to private companies which ended up ballooning education costs?

They are truly the shittiest generation in American history by a huge margin. Millennials are still young enough to collectively get their shit together as a generation. Gen X should consider themselves lucky because the problems of boomers and millennials diverted everyone’s attention away from them.

The boomers dying off is going to solve a LOT of problems.

This problem starts and ends with boomers. Once they all die off demand for cars like this will go down.

I’m very excited for the day when our generation is spending six figures on, like, a “third off the line” Honda Prelude SH at auction.

Or just fly to Mexico/Grand Cayman/Canada/etc. and when you get to Cuba ask the customs agent to stamp your visa and NOT your passport. Then fly back through that other country on the way home. Problem solved.

(Wife and I went to Havana for our honeymoon in August; we highly recommend a trip there to everyone we meet.)