
Open carry does not mean that one is free to point a gun (or a toy gun) at whoever they fancy.

Perhaps Hell has indeed frozen over?

Yes. Also, you can send children home from school indefinitely if they have head lice. Lice are gross but pose no medical threat to anyone.

Thank you, this is a great start!

I love her hair. Does anyone know what this style is called and how to recreate it?

I'm so sorry to hear that, you have my deepest sympathies.

"He could very well be the biggest nerd in school that everyone bullies and picks on. Maybe she was the only person in school to show him kindness, and has since developed an infatuation."

"Once people start saying what they mean, the problem will be solved."

Nope. I am explaining to you why the panhandler who asks everyone for spare change is a different situation from the boy who repeatedly pursues an uninterested girl.

No. That panhandler asks EVERYONE for spare change. He is not specifically targeting you and only you. Panhandling can be harassment if it is aggressive or intimidating in nature (different cities have different views on this matter).

Well, that "certain girl" sounds like a manipulative sociopath and I feel bad in advance for anybody who is trying to keep up with her games.

"Ironic that the mother didn't heed that advice."

"Re-read what I wrote. You don't know if the girl said anything at all. All you have to go on is a passive aggressive video of a young adult ragging on a boy for bothering her girl."

I did not ask what the girl said or did or the manner with which she asserted (or not) herself. I asked how this girl should "deal" with this boy.

Nope. That boy's attention is unwanted and he needs to stop being a thirsty pest. You do not get to decide for another what they are allowed to be umcomfortable with. If the girl considers it harassment or stalking, then it is. Period.

"Women will tell you that sometimes no means try harder. A guy will never truly know unless he tries."

All right then. The daughter told this guy "no" several times and yet he persisted. How should she now "deal" with him without involving adults?

"Kind of interesting that we have to deal with the "rejected males." Why are males always the ones who have to be rejected? I would just like to hear more stories of women who were rejected by men and how they handled it."

Well, all the kid has to do is to stop harassing her. Boom, no more stalking = no more of being labeled as a stalker.

"Are you saying that awkward guys shouldn't try or are doomed to be alone? I mean... I'm pretty awkward and a pretty universally described as a nice guy that always finishes last."