
Quoting from several sections of the article:

Try reading the article again.

But, poor Jyoti died of her injuries anyway. I can't imagine that these six "men" didn't mean to kill her. What did they think would happen as a result of a gang-rape and tearing out her intestines?

In San Jose, a police officer broke up a domestic violence situation and "helpfully" drove the woman to a hotel so that she would have a place to stay. He then raped her.

Please tell me that that man was "just" a poacher trying to hunt off-season.


See now, I disagree with your interpretation. Just like a road-side accident, I've been following all the tweets and the interviews. Amber Rose is calling out the skeeviness of Tyga. The "tucked up in bed" is a slam towards Kris Jenner, who is not watching out for her underage daughter.

No, Amber Rose did not blame an underage girl for the creepy actions of an older married adult. There is none of that at all in any of her tweets.

Shortbread and Trefoil cookies are heavenly!

Sure thing sweetie. As if you give a damn about women in the first place.

Gah! "Irregardless" (I'm sure that is what you meant) is NOT a word.

Yeah, that's the real issue here. Not that a 25 year old man abandoned his wife and child for a teenager. Women just be jelly.

Oh no you didn't!

Actually, I think it is us who are the plebes. Vaccination is good enough for other people's children but not for theirs. Anti-Vaxxers do not want to risk harming their special snowflake (even though the risks are very small) and prefer to rely on "herd immunity."

"The whole point is let's stop going after parents."

Not a dude. My point still stands: Measles, Whooping cough etc are highly contagious air-borne diseases. Your oh-so-cute "debate" involves real individuals who are being put at risk because of such attitudes.

No. You know what has a 0% fatality rate and is only an inconvenience? Getting a cold. And yet, if you show up to work and knowingly infect others with your cold, that makes you an inconsiderate asshole.

"Oh, and then the mother who posts the pictures of her dead baby who died 21 days after receiving several vaccines at 2 months and was told he died of SIDS. She's convinced it was the vaccines. How many more people did that FB post terrify? These people are scary.

No. Two years ago an off-leash dog charged and attacked while I was walking my pup. Trying to separate the two dogs (I know, I know), I was bitten. I received a tetanus booster the next day which also contained the pertussis and diptheria vaccine. That night, I had a reaction to the vaccine. Sweats and high fever

Yes, and you have a 0% chance of dying from a cold. It still makes you a jerk when you knowingly infect others with your cold nasties.