Who foots the moving bill?
Who foots the moving bill?
Should he lead with his dong? Jezebel commenters would be all over him for such a chauvinistic move.
They blockquoted the balls quote. Why did they blockquote the balls quote?
I think most fathers would go get drunk the day they found out their son was gay.
I hope they took him up on the offer, it's the only shot they'll have for the next couple of years.
Roberto Demente
I believe the correct spelling is now "A22-Eating Gossip."
I'm a writer now. I pick up the sharpest pen I can find, plunge it into my belly, and twist.
So now you've sued the only business that needs punters and slammed the only media that follows punters. You're a real fucking genius.
On the plus side, it looks like he's finally gonna see some court time.
They clearly hired her because on inbound plays the Spurs look lost and it'll be Hammon's job to show them the intricacies of the box.
I hope someone has taken the time to explain to Hammon that Boris Diaw asks everyone to make him a sandwich.
"For it's... one!.... two! .....two is where I draw the line, doc."
Maddon: You can't just go out there and take a shit on the field like that.
You think this is bad? Steve McNair got taken out by a 20 year old chick.
Derek Jeter promptly quits team
Never has the exploitation of teenagers been funnier.