
Health care costs going up can’t necessarily be correlated to ACA. The insurance companies increased costs. That could just as easily be explained as the insurance companies creating a reason for people to dislike the ACA. Did corporate salaries or bonuses go down? Was increasing your costs the only option? Or is that

I completely understand that Obamacare is not perfect. But do you honestly think the solution is to ramrod a repeal & replace bill through Congress this quickly, without even so much as a financial analysis?

Think about it, look up from the screen, what if the next person you see had been elected! Improvement?

There are a lot of reasons why healthcare spending has skyrocketed, with corporate greed of hospital systems and pharm companies being a big chunk of it...but another big chunk is due to the vast increase of ER visits in that time period...because people didn’t have insurance to see primary care doctors.

44% forgot to vote.

The problem is profit seeking in healthcare is immoral any way you try to square it with how we choose to fashion our moral foundation. You cannot honestly subscribe to any sort of Judeo-Christian value system and see people being put in the position of choosing Backruptcy vs. Dead as a righteous thing.

Of course not, don’t you know life is sacred?

I’ve had GERD for several years now, and have been taking medicine for it the whole time. I used to take Nexium which cost about $30/month, but have been moved over to a generic which costs me $5/month.

According to your republican congresscritter, you got GERD because you weren’t “leading a good life.”

I got denied heath insurance before the ACA for a pre-existing condition called GERD. If you don’t know what GERD is, it is also called acid reflux or heart burn and treated using over the counter medicine.

Fucking is now a pre-existing condition. Be careful.


That group is mostly made up of Cuban Republicans and other South and Central American Countries that hate “Mexicans”. Problem is when the shit hits the fan they don’t realize that it doesn’t matter what brown country they are from. They are still brown and that’s all that is going to matter to the Trumpanzees

No... Mustard is delicious and there is a god who will send me to heaven are different values than mine, but not facist.
You’re a pervert and should be shunned, institutionalized or otherwise harassed until you stop living your life the way you want, is facist.
You’re a filthy undocumented and should be treated as sub

Don’t worry. Florida will have their counter move in place soon to lower the bar a little more

This guy gets it.

Hahaha! A Zogby poll of 876 “Hispanics?” That was an online survey there Chad. I could be one of the 876 Hispanic in that survey. And 876 is not a great representative sample size. Zogby is notoriously garbage.

Dear Pot,

Our only saving grace is the Trump administration’s understanding of the Constitution is about as concrete as my elderly relatives understanding of a juggalo gathering. They know they don’t like it, and they know that something has to change, but they have absolutely no idea how to communicate or identify with

Let’s not forget that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III quite obviously perjured himself at his confirmation hearing to be, you know, the top law enforcement officer in the nation.’s the Code Pink lady who laughed at him who is the one looking at jail time.