Side eye at all the people bitching on the first article about them using a picture of him that was a few years old...
Side eye at all the people bitching on the first article about them using a picture of him that was a few years old...
Hell, TIF, that’s been on the list forever. Violently raiding black nightclubs was one of the NYPD’s favorite hobbies as far back as the Harlem Renaissance.
I ask this to fellow white people every time an unarmed black man (or CHILD) is killed by police officers. Are you afraid yet?
Yeah, America has basically elected a less coherent Grandpa Simpson.
Lemme stop y’all before a good portion of you start running your mouths in the comments about “Please don’t speculate because we have no evidence” and all that other extra special bullshit y’all seem to find to excuse whatever behavior or attitudes you seem wont to do. Miss me with all of that.
Luke Cage went to prison (again), and it remains to be seen how he gets out, Danny Rand is a billionaire, and Jessica Jones had a good lawyer.
Among that fuckery, the republicans threatening to not pay for some of the things the ACA promised to help cover for in the years it was known that insurance companies would lose money before leveling out. They are doing everything in their power to try to make it fail and then pin the blame on the other party.
Oh, you mean like how Republicans helped in implementation by refusing to open exchanges in their states? Refused to expand Medicare in their states? Tried to repeal Obamacare 60+ times when Obama was president, but now refused to go home earlier this year when people who woke up and actually like what Obamacare has…
I’d like to express my sincerest condolences for your loss. I’m not sure how you’ve managed to get by with a different healthcare plan. It’s inspiring to see you’ve made it this far. It’s a shame those cancer survivors won’t just fuck off and die already so you can get the plan you want at the price you want. It’s sad…
Depending on what more the law specifies, there are two outcomes of that:
I’m mad at you for that picture, a warning would have been nice.
Wow. Some of the greys...
It’s a crime to display Nazi paraphernalia in Germany. Perhaps we need to take a cue from them.
My general rule of thumb is if there’s teeth involved, someone is doing it wrong. I’ve so far received no such complaints.
I feel like having an axe in the equation would change things.
I wonder how long it will take for some jackass to claim that we can’t prove that the person who did this was racist.
It’s underreported because at the end of the day honestly covering this sort of stuff would make it abundantly clear that the biggest terror threat in the US is and has always been conservative, extremist, white men. Since day one. Undisputed champions of terror on American soil.
I’m thinking because he has nothing of real substance to care about in his life and it’s easier to point fingers at others than take a good hard look in the mirror. My dad’s a Republican, pretty well-off and older, and he’s always been about small government and lowering taxes, so I’ve never really tried to change his…
I still am hoping for an impeachment just so we can have the “YOU’RE FIRED!” headlines.