
I was single digits until the 90's and knew something was off with him...

We are all the same.
With that said, it only took an act by the US Government to force people to treat us the same.
Additionally that occurred ONLY 50 YEARS AGO and that for the 300-400 years prior we were systematically dehumanized, disenfranchised, discriminated against, and treated as property.
To think that all

Just remember science is a liberal hoax, and numbers mean nothing!

So... If I understand this correctly “the law is necessary to protect child placement agencies from persecution” when they discriminate.
Got it...  

If only that was the way it worked for everyone...

But the schools are listening to their constituents and as agents of the government isn’t that what they are supposed to do?

One thousand times this...
Just because the government gives a person the right to free speech without a reprisal from said government does not provide that person a guarantee that they can / should have a venue in which to spout their nonsense.
We the people (present at that location) did not want to hear this clown

Ivanka’s the daughter (still appropriate given the way he has spoken about / leered at her). We’re all looking for Melania (who wants to be as far from him as possible)

She’s worse... She’s smarter than he is, and doesn’t have the early signs of dementia

“They were sick of seeing banks get away with crimes while they had to renegotiate a mortgage.”
And they thought that someone who was literally one of those people getting away with crimes was going to fix it for them?

Just last year there were election laws that were struck down because they were systematically racist (NC 2016)
In NY stop and frisk was declared to be racially prejudiced in its application (2013).
These are just two examples of institutional racism in the last few years (I can dig up plenty more if needed)
So how long

Or “Who dares me to eat this entire White Castle crave case?”

That has a lot to do with us being morons though... Shoot, I know that’s how it was for me

Posts like this? Did you even read it? There was no mention of race at all...
The only thing that could be considered inflammatory (it’s not to me) in this story is the author insinuating he’d like to curb stomp our glorious cheeto colored leader.
You went from “Karma and all that” and “guy is probably a massive asshole

Apologies then, I did not see your previous post.
This post (without the context of the previous one) seems like you were pointing at justification for the stomp

You don’t agree with the actions, but you’re giving the officer a pass on stomping someone in handcuffs and on the ground?
We don’t need to know the circumstances surrounding the stomp...
No matter the provocation THIS BEHAVIOR IS INAPPROPRIATE.

As William Munny said in Unforgiven, “Deserves got nothing to do with it”.
Did he deserve to get his head stomped? Maybe...
It’s not for us or that officer to determine it’s for a jury to decide the punishment, and we as a society have determined that corporal punishment is not acceptable (8th Amendment).
So the guy

He committed a crime, was arrested, and will stand trial... there was no need to physically assault him after the fact as well.

It’s a good thing that you’re not looking at the greys then...
More than a few of the arguments are about the cost of illegal immigration. A median taxpayer pays about $20.00 (Twenty dollars) per year towards public assistance, so the actual cost when it comes to social services is immaterial (not including what they