
That’s very Ann Rand of you. The pennies a week that public assistance costs you is significantly less than the cost of the corporate welfare that you are paying.
I understand that you might not want to pay for either, but making a stand against helping the less fortunate instead of making your point against corporate

These are the sort of programs that need to occur on a large scale.
Putting money behind this instead of trying to revitalize coal (eyeroll) would ease the economic worry that put Cheeto Mussolini in power.

The problem with using the Kurds is Turkey, they would lose their collective minds if we were to “give” the Kurds any territory.

You’re going to have to provide sources for that...
and how the hell did you get out of the greys?

I noticed a grey comment about Dinkins being a bad mayor in comparison to Rudy here last night, and while I’m glad the comment is gone I still feel the need to respond to the ill informed (probable troll) person.
The crime rate in NYC had dropped dramatically in Dinkins last 2 years, he modernized the police force and

And let’s not forget who helps to pay for R&D, WE DO!

EVERYTHING causes cancer :(
But they’ll have to pry my bacon from my cold dead hands...

I do understand the reasons for the disparity, but it should still make us pause. The enormous difference in police vs. civilian deaths makes those outliers matter that much more. Especially because they are accompanied by the usual

Police safety is important, but it’s something that is already being taken care of.
In 2015 there were only 41 officers killed in the line of duty in the US, in 2016 there were only 64... all the while there were 963 Civilians killed by police in 2016...

Right before they open fire.

I mean, they could have thought the can was a weapon... /s

Yet they did not have the lead issue until a conservative city manager and governor decided to switch the water source.

But let’s not pretend she would have gotten in trouble for it...

Metric? We don’t use the metric system, that’s for losers

You forgot to mention Yankee parades, they always have those ;)

This was at columbus circle, there are a bunch of schools in that area, but most of them are High Schools. 
For the guy who keeps using a dying person in the example, there are a bunch of hospitals in the area. One a couple of blocks downtown from the tower, across from John Jay University. One a couple of blocks

There’s 3 hospitals within walking distance of that protest...

Now playing

Should have made him hide in the trunk first...

Out of pocket maximums were capped in the ACA, so not sky rocketing. As opposed to before the ACA where there was no cap, and determined by your specific insurance

They were going up a larger percentage annually prior to the ACA if that’s what you are trying to refer to...

Even sprains... For my last sprained ankle the hospital wanted to charge me $2000, for just xrays and an air cast.