Poorly-coiffed fetus Billy Bush
Poorly-coiffed fetus Billy Bush
I’m betting the column shifter is vestigial because they can’t figure out anywhere else to put, I don’t know, wiper controls?
I’m taking bets for this comment making COTD.
Driverless cars promise a way around that that doesn’t include the bus. Other issues like safety, cybersecurity, and cost
Not even the highest posted speed limit in the United States could woo drivers to take the long, long, long way around Austin
Because HERE IS THE CIVILIZATION. Too bad that we are small and poor, otherwise WE would rule the world, in place of you hillbillies...
Clear Creek Canyon and Lookout Mountain are a bit far for a driving school based out of eastern Arapahoe County unless you think driving with an instructor for 90 minutes just so you can drive with an instructor (yo dawg) is a practical and fun-sounding thing (though to be fair I drove those routes when I had my…
um ok?
I think a two-door Mk IV with a trunk would’ve been cool, but then again I seem to be one of the very few who likes this car. It was badass when I had one in high school and to this day it’s the closest thing I’ve ever personally driven to a chick magnet (no seriously, the girls at my school loved these things).
I live near this bridge and frequently been on this specific bridge and the road it belongs to, both in my car and on a motorcycle. It’s part of a very scenic roadway (particularly out here where hills breaking up otherwise flat land qualify as “scenic”) and it’s not even the only bridge on this road (I believe…
Some people that are cooler than all of us
A huge problem (not *the* huge problem but a huge one) is actually China - but not for what you think. China is the hottest car market now so sending American-assembled cars to China would do wonders to solve this - but Chinese law means that cars sold in China must for the most part be manufactured in China (China…
Okay, let’s play the game a bit. How does the president get automakers to make more cars in the U.S.? And what does that mean for vehicle prices?
You can’t spell Brazil without Bra(h) I guess?
A reader’s girlfriend works at Disneyland