What’s funny about COIE is that it was actually a) unecessary b) created as may problems as it solved (Hawkman, Legion, Wonder Girl, etc) c) began to unravel almost immediately which required reboots every decade
What’s funny about COIE is that it was actually a) unecessary b) created as may problems as it solved (Hawkman, Legion, Wonder Girl, etc) c) began to unravel almost immediately which required reboots every decade
You say that, but a light that only shines 220 feet down the road gives you barely 2 seconds at 60mph to see a problem and figure out how to deal with it. The whole point is that the lights don’t go far enough out for even slow speeds.
In some states like CA headlights are required an hour before sunset and an hour after sunrise, but there seems to be zero enforcement. I’m with you on how flabbergasted I am when so many Toyotas drive without full lights on.
Is there any consideration for local/regional recycling capabilities? For instance, in my area you have to throw all black plastic in the trash because the local recycling facilities just can’t process it.
This is most likely that Person A at Niantic was expecting the measurements in centimeters, but Person B further up the pipeline had already converted the centimeters to inches but didn’t say so, so Person A converted again to centimeters. Example:
To be a conservative means to openly invite others’ hatred into your life and to lose your humanity in the eyes of strangers who view you exclusively through stereotypes and prejudices.
Not long ago I wrote about how Buick is fairly clueless as to how to find buyers for its Regal TourX wagon.
find the nearest GM dealer
It varies by state, but there are limited-run manufacturer plates that exempt OEMs from registration/emissions requirements for road going cars. I know VW had an Amarok and some T5 vans in California and other oddities like an Up! in Arizona because their hot weather testing facilities are out there.
I’m with you there. It’s so ungainly and fat on the bottom but still tries to have a sporty look on top, like an overweight man who refuses to buy a larger shirt size because he thinks it makes him look athletic.
I’d hardly count a program created and funded by the government as “people’s activism”
Yes, the boomers that were so polarized against enacting the Civil Rights act, school integration, and ending Jim Crow that our two political parties (and voting blocks) literally switched sides because of them.
That was more a comment on activism at home than the affect/impact of a war. Generations of Amercians have always held on to this “I got mine, so fuck you” attitude of self reliance that has very recently started to wane as people have accepted just how unhealthy for the individual and society that mentality really is.
Where the hell is the jet engine? Biggest offender - Most Tim Burton-era Batmobiles and the 1966 Batmobile. The jet engine seems to start at the front of the car and end at the back, but somehow Batman is sitting in the middle? Last I checked jet engines don’t have an empty middle.
German designers: “Ve vill cite ze old, popular Bee Em Ve designs fur our most pazzionate fans! Zey vill love de attenzion to detail that makes ze Deutschen dezign famous!”
I really wish the US could have a size other than the 3DSXL - I have gigantic hands but it’s more a portability problem than a hand holding comfort one
I really wanted to, but couldn’t easily find a pic of Trump and Mike Manley together.
three-row Grand Cherokees
It’s equivalent of pumping up the tint or contrast to the extreme: the movie is meant to move a certain way, and effects, scenes, lighting and other things under the director’s control are coordinated to achieve a certain look. Good or bad, a movie shot at 24 fps should be watched at 24 fps, or else a lot of that…
Fair point, but you only needed 3 people then, right? It’s a much easier problem to find 2 friends all free at the same time than 5.