
I see two categories for most of the cars here:

Yeah, sure, I want a four-door sedan with 187hp

Why would you buy a car that isn’t configured the way you want?

Great, so 7 years after Tesla introduced a luxury electric car, Audi releases their first. Now, 7 years after Tesla introduces an entry-lux electric car, Audi will release theirs.

Given the long waits at the airports these days (since you never know when you’ll be through security in 10 minutes or 3 hours), I mostly eat there not for nutrition but just for something to do.

The researchers ran a simulation based on two assumptions: that the planets’ orbits were approximately circular, and that their orbits weren’t at an angle relative to one another.

Any theories why only red objects are highlighted in all those flashback clips?

Audis have the engine in the front and the battery in the rear. There’s no reason to assume that Chevy wouldn’t spread the other components like fuses around for better weight balance.

and we let Reggie go to him and explore on his own volition, and pretty soon, he realized Ben was just like us, but he just looked different. It’s about taking the time to stop.

Note the objects Scott bounds around—a pencil, a headphone jack, what looks like a measuring tape. All pretty Earth-ish objects.

The MCU’s Captain Marvel just comes off as smug and disinterested, with a constant ‘deal with it’ look on her face in every frame of the trailer.

It’s not that the criticism isn’t welcome, but the vitriol that these trolls spew is so amazingly out of proportion for someone merely criticizing the film.

Lots of OEMs are hoping to replace side mirrors with cameras for simpler assembly and great improvements in aerodynamics, but it’s not currently legal to have ONLY cameras at the moment. Tesla is just getting ahead of the curve on installing them should that ever change.

Just like any car with a microphone for Bluetooth? Or driver monitoring?

  • Bigger population

I’m gonna take a guess and say that, unlike Lambos and Veyrons and Ferraris, you don’t have a ton of Instagrammers or crazy tuner folks messing with the R8's looks nearly as much as these other supercars.

Further, Polestar will be adopting a unique dealership model in the U.S., with no inventory, no service center, just a small showroom and some reps.

Trading. Game 1 has 85% of the Pokemon for a generation. Game 2 has a somewhat overlapping, but somewhat different 85%, so to catch em all you need to buy both games or know someone with the other.

selling at absurd prices to engineers who readily pay whatever it takes to avoid public transportation.

Not only that, but when you see a recommended article or something you want to read more about and it’s literally only a video to watch.