The logic of the Turing Test tells me that if I have an interaction with a magician and cannot detect the trick, then Magic is real.
The logic of the Turing Test tells me that if I have an interaction with a magician and cannot detect the trick, then Magic is real.
In 1958, one of America’s most renowned painters, Norman Rockwell, created The Runaway, an oil on canvas that shows…
I have taught my children that there is only one absolute rule when dealing with strangers.
Five second rule.
Which is why I suggest kids be taught to deal with shaming through focus on positive body aspects and by confronting the kinds of shaming comments kids actually face. My beef with positive-only advice is that the only people who ever existed whose entire self-esteem was based on early parental praise were Forrest Gump…
Body image news always seems to bring a response that any discussion of body image is shaming and any solution is wrong because it is not perfect. OP does not dispute the results of the exercise, but quotes doctors who say it does not fix the problem. And it’s as hard to dispute the results as it is to claim harm…
No doubt, some alt-right Pepe lover has trademarked “Hillaryfying”. I would worry my trademark would become confused.
Trademark this word, and you shall know riches beyond the dreams of avarice.
I aim for horrilarity, or is it hilarrifying?
The last quote is perhaps the most significant. And if you’re going to live like a play, then live like Henry V, not King Lear. Or at least like Hamlet, not Macbeth. Even Hamlet, for all his unhappy soul searching, was at least pursuing something that would have made him happy. King or servant, Macbeth never was going…
Whenever my wife would ask me to wash her cat, I would just toss it in the shower. That was when I realized the spray from a shower is the opposite of a laser pointer, but just as much fun.
Wouldn’t the term better be Whitewomoaning?
Why doesn’t St. Patrick’s day celebrate all Americans? Why doesn’t Columbus Day celebrate the welcoming natives? Because that’s stupid.
Who are you replying to? That is literally the exact opposite of what I said, clearly and extensively.
Could be. Although if your body must be accustomed to something in order to not get sick from eating it, it could also be said that it might not be good to eat in the first place.
There are a whole lot of assumptions here that make me wonder if you are replying to the right person.
Should humans stop drinking milk, or eating cheese? How about cooking or curing meat? Those dietary changes came about as recently as gluten, only once social and technological advances allowed it. Most only came about in the last 10-30,000 years. Gluten entered human diets about 10,000 years ago. Cows milk 7,500…
OK, wow. Where do I begin. How about, for those wanting to fail or afraid of tl;dr posts, please ignore my reply.
Naming bills the literal opposite of their actual effect