Not I

Thanks for womansplaining.

A watched ‘happiness’ pot never boils.

Glossing over the point many are focused on, that this was a ‘leak’ only by the most self-servingly narrow definition, there’s a point about DT’s reaction that I don’t think is getting oxygen (like his cranium).

I think the point is walking requires endurance while climbing requires endurance+strength. The combination exhaust muscles and oxygen in a way walking alone does not.

Tree important points.

His statement does not explain the rest of the hypoxia-like word salad, repeatedly referring to Comey when he meant Trump.

I grew up on a golf course. My house was near hole #3. My father winterized his cart and put a headlight on it so he could play at night and in the snow.

As a teen with my family at a conference, I attended a two day hypnosis seminar. While I discovered for the first (of many) time(s) that I cannot be hypnotized, I did learn self-hypnosis.

As there is no peace treaty and only an armistice for the Korean war, there are several enemies. However, that is basically an excuse North Korea uses to maintain rigid control.

Yes, the USSR no longer existed, but Russia has continued the pattern of forceful expansion wherever it feels its interests lie.



I played through Deadly Tower of Monsters, then played it through again right after just to enjoy the cheesy laughs. It’s serious retro-futuristic, googie, Z-Movie, metastory joy. I’m not generally a fan of this sort of game, but the story makes it great fun. I’m surprised it’s on the first tier. If you get none of

I played through Deadly Tower of Monsters, then played it through again right after just to enjoy the cheesy laughs.

Lions are faster, so they do not lag Zebras.

Did someone actually check to see whether more rabbits leads to more foxes? This intuitive relationship does not always hold up.

I am a media and tech junkie and always looking for more flexibility and cost savings. So, I was a fairly early adapter of the Tablo TV. I got the 4-tuner model and lifetime subscription.

I am a media and tech junkie and always looking for more flexibility and cost savings. So, I was a fairly early

Chiropractors have some pat lines to persuade you you’re ruining your health because your feet don’t point the same direction when you lay flat on your back. One of those lines aimed at dudes is that you are causing back pain by having a wallet in your hip pocket.

Chiropractors have some pat lines to persuade you you’re ruining your health because your feet don’t point the same

I’m sorry, I did not make it past the first paragraph. ‘Protect the editorial integrity of Breitbart!’ That’s like a plea to keep the endangered winged buffalo from going extinct due to the predations of Wingstreet.

I saw the egg cooker and went through the 3-stages of kitchen gadgets.

I saw the egg cooker and went through the 3-stages of kitchen gadgets.

And the #1 answer to ‘How to order a drink at a bar without embarrassing yourself.’

When will the infants finally be prosecuted? How dare they violate an adult woman’s rights to regret the decision (or forgotten birth-control pill) to give birth while in the throes of giving birth.