I agree, but comics are fixated on the idea of replacing OG top-tier heroes with a new generation. Unfortunately, the willpower to resist monthly sales numbers almost always subverts this.
I agree, but comics are fixated on the idea of replacing OG top-tier heroes with a new generation. Unfortunately, the willpower to resist monthly sales numbers almost always subverts this.
Sounds like ‘right direction’ thinking, but at the same time ‘feel that rage’ has been the reaction to several DCU movies over the disrespect given to the characters. I kinda wish JG would go silent on DCU plans since many of his vague comments have fueled more friction in the fan community. Silent until something he…
I don’t know that we’ll be ultimately denied the courtroom drama. True, Fox could pay whatever to settle every one of its cases and likely have money left over.
Least ozone and lowest short-term fine particle pollution all a-b and a-c cities. Clearly, scientists should study why pollution prefers cities later in the alphabet. Stop environmental alphabetic bias.
It’s natural to want to express the relief and pleasure that your view of the world has been validated by events. People celebrate comeuppances for the same reason they laugh as a mean-spirited boss slips on a banana peel in a movie (or in jokes, political cartoons, etc...)
April Fools did take on a more public face coinciding with the rise of the Internet. Beforehand, it was ‘Kick Me’ signs stuck on backs or at most a regional story promoted by a newspaper. Afterward it was companies trying for a double benefit of a) We’re fun and b) free publicity. And because of the common experience…
It’s not ‘The Big Sleep’.
{Spoiler: LOL} The plot does have a good twist with the suspected killer being the actual victim until the final scene.
It is another psychological observation, probably truer than those listed here, that humans like to simplify, categorize, and otherwise distort things. We are pattern seekers. Perhaps it is how our mind deals with a complex world, how our minds try to organize things efficiently, or how we engage in comforting biases…
It’s interesting that the arguments of people rhetorically attempting to decouple any gas-stove/asthma connection sound eerily similar to the arguments of people who try to decouple a mask-wearing/covid-reduction connection or, conversely, to couple a connection between vaccines/autism. Glossing over any science and en…
There is no argument that AI generated images will have a profound impact on the commercial art community. However, this lawsuit is stupidly shortsighted and fails to recognize the lessons of history.
If this inspires anyone to watch (or rewatch) Metropolis, they might enjoy the 1984 Georgio Moroder version with its pop/rock soundtrack.
List seems pathologically incomplete.
Are you kidding me? A disfunctional Thanksgiving movie list that does not include...
More things not to flush down the toilet.
Canada produces some decent under the radar scifi/fantasy series. I wouldn’t mind seeing their production companies given a chance to produce an Alpha Flight show.
Both competitors for Celestial Madonna.
Hmmm.... this list seems very random. Let’s run through it.
Sushi is an example of a fetishized product. Something so finely/exactly/unusually crafted that people multiply its value many times. Square watermelons, miniature foods, haute cuisine, ...
Unlike most of these, sushi is not something most home cooks can deliver without practice. Conversely, most of the wasabi most…
Like a low-brow version of DeBeers/Diamonds, while opinions about lobster started to change in late 19th century, it took WWII/canning to really raise it above the ‘cat food’ level in peoples opinions. The power of marketing.
Thanks for the list. Always glad to see people wanting to green up their homes.