I enjoy a good movie list. Sendups and takedowns of the powerful are comforting, as if by watching, we become part of the solution.
I enjoy a good movie list. Sendups and takedowns of the powerful are comforting, as if by watching, we become part of the solution.
I respect her no less since death.
Call Miss Cleo for a prediction.
I wish this advice was more thorough and sensible. All that is offered is how to get rid of powdery mildew without mentioning at all how to reduce or avoid it entirely.
I might not appreciate being reminded of my age, and I’m old enough to have had most of these things happen, I’m old enough to remember when we appreciated people attempting to be courteous and considerate.
Thanks for injecting some thought into this topic. All too often, I see people want simple answers to complicated questions and a reason to blame someone or something.
This list is kind of weird.
Barbie? Is that you?
I often wonder if there is a correlation between lottery ticket purchases and anti-science Covid-deniers.
Lotteries are taxes on people who are bad at math (unfortunately like OP in this respect ;-P). It seems like there could be easy overlap on that Venn diagram.
To badly usurp Oscar Wilde, ‘To lose one decimal place is misfortune. To lose two looks like carelessness.’ LOL
<Sarcasm> Ooooh, ooooh!!! Please next do a post on how to stop the chirp of worn brake pads without replacing them, or how to look like you are wearing a mask but aren’t, or how to speed and not get caught, or how to beat a breathalizer, or how to slip your condom off without your partner knowing. I mean, why should on…
Seeing Run, Lola, Run image as the banner reminded me of another film that played boldly with time. Released 3 years before, Nick of Time is a movie I’ve enjoyed watching and recommending for years.
OK, I find grammar A-holes as annoying as anyone, but I’ll drop two misspoken phrases that irk me here.
I don’t know it’s possible to do a movie with the simple charms a show like Fantasy Island, or it’s television universe companion The Love Boat, today.
Your choice of adjectives and dismissive attitude toward criticism of the movie miss the point. If the movie had posessed a superior storyline with characters that energized the audience to anticipate, no crave, more along that line, then the vocal minority would not have been shouting to silent opposition.
I switched both my Show Views to Ziggy.
Hornworms are always my greatest and nearly only predator and those are laid as eggs by moths, so don’t come up from the ground.
All too frequently, I see half-baked advice about soil and gardening here. I’ve countered it in a few cases and am glad to see someone else cares enough to correct bad advice. Misinformation teaches people bad growing methods. Bad growing methods produce inferior results. Inferior results turn people away from…
If you are using a topsy-turvy planter, be sure to stand on your head while picking to know which is the bottom.