I’ve long been an advocate for terraforming Venus and discussed it in previous threads.
I’ve long been an advocate for terraforming Venus and discussed it in previous threads.
Hot dogs are the Soylent Green(ies) for canines. ;-P
Seriously, omitting the entire canon of the greatest car movie franchise of all time?
Not one Herbie the Love Bug movie.
Your mixture sounds right. I do warn people considering using chicken manure. Chicken manure is very concentrated and can burn sensitive plants when not used in moderation and mixed with other buffering elements such as you recommend.
Lots of herbs are easy to grow from scraps or cuttings. The problems you list with growing them in water are good points. One of the reasons growing in water produces such unsatisfying and non-nutritive results is they are basically growing from the stored energy in the cutting.
You are right about unreliable narrator, though it seems easier to do wrong than right. Of course, unreliable narrator gets a permanent hall pass for comedy.
Lots of people confuse a mislead/uninformed/blinded narrator for an unreliable one. 6th Sense, for example is a fine example of that done well. Most other M Night…
Don’t agree with all, but do with most (see my own reply elsewhere). I like the fact you supported your picks with intelligent observations.
Wow, what a mixed bag. As someone who has loved low-brow, cult, and the kinds of things MST3K lovingly lampooned for decades, as well as high-brow art, classic, and foreign films, I have far fewer genre, taste, culture, or other barriers to appreciating good and enjoyable work of cinema. I’m eclectic and not snobby.
I wanted to see whether you included the nitrogen leeching effects of microbes beginning to decomposing wood. I figured you’d either not know/mention it since it contradicts your headline or would include it in some sensible fashion such as separating the newly decomposing wood from well rotted wood which is an excelle…
I’m glad for the Snip&Sketch feature. I am usually in Line, so just use it’s quick screengrab function rather than Snip&Sketch because it’s quicker. This makes the better snipper equally accessible.
Don’t be silly. Package says clearly, do not eat.
Grind and snort is the way to go.
Good tips. I’ll go the pantry suggestion one step farther. For some reason, a small amount of moisture got into my sugar cannister. Sugar kept clumping when I put it in. Not sure why it wouldn’t dry properly, but putting a silica packet in the sugar cannister solved the problem.
I think we can be sure of one thing. If, in Orwell’s 1984 world, the term Orwellian was in use, Big Brother would have co-opted it, twisted its meaning to promote fear and disinformation, and tarred its enemies with it.
That pajama set. smh.
That pajama set. smh.
Thank you. I wish I could say the only way to combat a bad person with disinformation is a good person with information, but some people are impervious to good information. Nonetheless, there is no better option, so please continue to present such well-written and thorough posts. At the least they will help…
Thanks OP.
I should be clearer. The pans I have are ‘copper colored’ nonstick interior. The actual material is titanium-ceramic. I’m not sure how the color is achieved. There may be other materials involved. I just did not want people thinking they were copper-ceramic.
I should be clearer. The pans I have are ‘copper colored’ nonstick interior. The actual material is…
I can feel several things simultaneously.
The ones I have are Gotham Steel Pro with Copper pan coating.
The ones I have are Gotham Steel Pro with Copper pan coating.