Not I

I am a media and tech junkie and always looking for more flexibility and cost savings. So, I was a fairly early adapter of the Tablo TV. I got the 4-tuner model and lifetime subscription.

I am a media and tech junkie and always looking for more flexibility and cost savings. So, I was a fairly early

Chiropractors have some pat lines to persuade you you’re ruining your health because your feet don’t point the same direction when you lay flat on your back. One of those lines aimed at dudes is that you are causing back pain by having a wallet in your hip pocket.

Chiropractors have some pat lines to persuade you you’re ruining your health because your feet don’t point the same

I’m sorry, I did not make it past the first paragraph. ‘Protect the editorial integrity of Breitbart!’ That’s like a plea to keep the endangered winged buffalo from going extinct due to the predations of Wingstreet.

I saw the egg cooker and went through the 3-stages of kitchen gadgets.

I saw the egg cooker and went through the 3-stages of kitchen gadgets.

The WD stands for Water Displacement. It was designed to keep water from missile parts and canopies. It is not meant to be a lubricant and, as others rightly point out, is counterproductive for that purpose, turning to dirt attracting gel fairly quickly.

And the #1 answer to ‘How to order a drink at a bar without embarrassing yourself.’

When will the infants finally be prosecuted? How dare they violate an adult woman’s rights to regret the decision (or forgotten birth-control pill) to give birth while in the throes of giving birth.

After early tests showed just this kind of result was likely, spike strips were redesigned as sharpened metal tubes, like straws which would penetrate tires and break off. This would cause the tires to more slowly deflate even at high speeds, avoiding dangerous CHiPS type stunts.

Let me qualify my next devil’s advocate statements by saying men should do these things. I do and and the results speak to me as well worth it. My results could be all lies, though, so I’m just saying consideration and knowledge go a long way.

If you only need 2 tumblers and want better lid options, Costo has tumblers the same capacity and shape with a more versatile lid. The lids on the 2xCostco tumblers have a flip closeable sip opening and a flip closeable central circular opening to allow either faster drinking or drinking with the included plastic

If you only need 2 tumblers and want better lid options, Costo has tumblers the same capacity and shape with a more

I’d like to see the same showdown for Novel writing software.

Usually I want to leave a bank because they are screwing me.

Because we all love our bank and no one ever thinks, ‘Geez, if only I could get away from that heartless soul-sucking relationship.

I support the efforts of minorities to have better representation in media and entertainment.

So, a fan dance over the primary and secondary naughty bits using the hands for fans.

Stereotyping is just the way minds work. When stereotypes are negative, it pays to question their scope and application. I do my best.

Oops, three, not two tippers.

This is not misplaced anger. And you can hunt my posts for lengthier tear-downs.

I can hate the movie and love the original derivation of Batman in his Judge-Dredd/IronMan wannabe asskicker-2000 outfit.

That is a touching story about two kindhearted (I’m going to assume from this point forward) Trump supporters. I applaud their open-mindedness and generosity.