
I guess the real question is why are you appropriating Previous, based upon the novel Push by Sapphire??? Reported for anti-fat, racist triggering :(

Using those little sets of “logistical fallacies” has always struck me as one of the saddest things people do in comment sections.

It’s almost as if applying “statistics” crudely and broadly while ignoring contextual evidence is a bad idea!

There are many many reasons to believe that these people are wrong, hypocritical, etc. “Statistically speaking they probably had abortions too!!!!” is not a very good reason. Yes, “statistically speaking” they probably did if you apply “statistics” very crudely and broadly, while totally ignoring the context. There

I know you’re not. That’s..............the point

Well statistically speaking you’re probably a man...not a very wise use of statistics on your part