
My first response was “Big Brother is still going?” I really didn’t think it was running still, anywhere in the world!

Big Brother Canada just started too - although I guess they knew that it was happening, they won’t see the massive shift this week. They’ll probably miss most of the worst of it since the whole group is isolated for 12 weeks.

Sounds like the premise of the movie Dead Set.

Sunday, I woke early and checked my Target app to see whether there was TP available nearby. My bf’s teenaged son was concerned he (and his mom) were going to run out. So, I woke my bf up at 6:45 and said, “There’s toilet paper at Target down the road. We’re getting it.”

Look how happy she is!  That’s like if someone took a picture of me in front of the case of Lay’s salt and vinegar potato chips I “accidentally” ordered.

I’m suddenly reminded of that fateful day where I learned the difference between a box of Sharpies and a case of Sharpies.

I’ve been barrel aging cocktails as a hobby for the last five months or so, and I’ve currently got three liters of smoky negroni that will be ready to come out of the barrel in a few days. That should get me through days 1 and 2 of any quarantine, but then I’m screwed.

Off topic but still coronavirus related: If you have a thermometer to take your own temperature, do it now before you get sick so you have a baseline to compare future readings to. I’m surprised to find that my body temp is almost always right around 97.2F, so if I get a new reading of 98.6F (supposedly normal) then

Should we wash dinnerware for 20 seconds?

There’s a run on the local Trader Joe’s right now, and you wouldn’t believe how much booze people are buying. Like, boxes filled with wine and hard liquor. There seems to be a positive correlation between advanced age and how many bottles people are buying, as if they’re gonna party hard until the virus takes ‘em.

i didn’t forget about bleach...


I badly planned my quarterly TP purchase for right now (single, small apartment, Costco buy) and I’m quite literally SOL. I have 3 rolls left and feel like that should do for a bit but was thinking if I have to revert to using paper towels, which I have a Costco-amount of, I would have to go the Euro route and put the

We have a nice selection of elderly people in our small neighborhood, so I’ve stocked up on rice, beans, pasta, farro, a variety of Aisian noodles, canned vegetables, shelf milk, coconut milk, butter, frozen vegetables, lots of flatbread in the freezer, etc. Made a big pot of collard greens to freeze. Because I think

Paper towels down the toilet bowl is a bona fide recipe for disaster. I thought about this the other day and it occurred to me that maybe if it comes down to paper towel etc I need a diaper genie for disposal of things that CANNOT go down the toilet.

As of right now, there is not yet a run on beekeeper’s masks, for you face touchers out there.

HE”S GODDAMN BATMAN! He probably trained him self to withstand the negative effects. You honestly believe he never thought he might get hung upside down over a vat of <insert villain appropriate contents (e.g venom, Liquid Nitrogen, Crocodiles, Sharks, Joker/Scarecrow/Poison Ivy toxins, etc...)>? Even if it is somehow

Its possible.. remember, these projections on time are based on average persons of typical health. Batman is certainly above average.. a few hours doesn’t mean 2, it could mean 4-6.. and I doubt Bruce Wayne is a heavy sleeper (I figure he gets an average of about 3 - 4 per night given the life he leads)

Now I’m sad that the scene of Bruce Wayne sleeping upside down in Batman (1989) couldn’t actually happen.