
It's a sure sign of someone thinking everything is always about them.


What I always hated was that I grew up as the daughter of a divorced woman who had the sole responsibility for raising the three of us. She once got passed up for a promotion because—in the words of the hiring manager at the time, "Well, [this man] has a family to feed."

And central park. And a balcony of the Chelsea Hotel with an Australian in a rock band who I had just met that night. Whole time I kept thinking- Sid killed Nancy in this hotel!

I wouldn't dress up nicely to see the President or the Queen, because I am ALPHA AS FUCK.

I'd like this but with coffee instead of all the chocolate. Get on that Dominique, tout de suite!

Reason #89934 why I need to move to NYC ASAP.

Beware the Idiots of March

Also... somehow relevant

Oh come on. First oysters and now Falafel.

I love you for this.

No :) The dismissed comment (by an MRA) is gone, so yours was bumped to the top.

Please keep this going.

This is my face right now.

Leftover pizza and whiskey still sounds better :3