Mom, I know you read my work, so I'm writing you this letter here to say many things I have said before, but…
Mom, I know you read my work, so I'm writing you this letter here to say many things I have said before, but…
It's a sure sign of someone thinking everything is always about them.
What I always hated was that I grew up as the daughter of a divorced woman who had the sole responsibility for raising the three of us. She once got passed up for a promotion because—in the words of the hiring manager at the time, "Well, [this man] has a family to feed."
And central park. And a balcony of the Chelsea Hotel with an Australian in a rock band who I had just met that night. Whole time I kept thinking- Sid killed Nancy in this hotel!
I wouldn't dress up nicely to see the President or the Queen, because I am ALPHA AS FUCK.
I'd like this but with coffee instead of all the chocolate. Get on that Dominique, tout de suite!
Reason #89934 why I need to move to NYC ASAP.
Beware the Idiots of March
Oh come on. First oysters and now Falafel.
I love you for this.
No :) The dismissed comment (by an MRA) is gone, so yours was bumped to the top.
Please keep this going.
Leftover pizza and whiskey still sounds better :3