
This post made my balls hurt... and they don't even exist o_O

Yup. Jez is totally ignoring rape in India. It literally never gets mentioned. Angst Rand.

Truth! Sorry about the pity party non-sequitur.

I had to stop there. I'll come back and read the others, but I need a mental wellness break.

RIP, Joy! Next time I want to complain about how sore I am after a long run, your memory will inspire me to STFU and be strong, like you.

This reminds me a little of a woman my mom met on a group tour to China. She had cancer, beat it, got it again, beat it. On the plane, she kept telling my mom how excited she was to finally see the Great Wall. The night after they walked it, she passed away in her sleep. My mom says it was almost like she just

Veronica, Mac, and Wallace. Sure, with her genius brain and PI training it's a little weird to call Veronica an underdog, but they were all socially ostracized middle-class kids in a sea of filthy rich assholes.

The Ferengi. All they want to do is be profitable and grow the private sector of the Alpha Quadrant, but Space Obama insists on taxing their profits and blithely ignores the Rules of Acquisition on a routine basis.

Yes, but what does it say about the quality of those messages? (Speaking as an Asian woman who has been on several online dating sites, yes I've received a crapton of messages, but rarely any that made me want to reply back to the person.) (But maybe that's because I live in Brooklyn and am too picky.)

Yep. I went to so many "hell houses" {the southern baptist equivalent of haunted houses} growing up, and the culmination was always going into a pitch black room filled with space heaters and smoke and hearing someone screaming your name {read off your name tag when you first enter} saying "Why didn't you telllllll

They like to make you imagine every person you know that isn't a Christian and guilt you into making it your fault they aren't saved and make it YOUR responsibility.

Another woman said she went on a date with a dude who asked her to help pay for his piece of pizza because he didn't have a full $2 for a slice.

Brooklyn women are picky b/c they can AFFORD to be, honey!

Oh my god, the judgy comments. I am living with my BF of almost five years - I anticipate that we will get married. The number of people who have given me all these quiet speeches aside about "if I haven't gotten a ring yet I won't" or that he is just "stringing me along" are so bogus. Stringing me along for what?

A few years ago my cousin and I were chatting and the subject of domestic violence came up. Twice I had been hit by boyfiends (insanely appropriate typo) and so I Knew All About It. I expressed the opinion that if a woman stuck around after the first time, she deserved it. This opinion was informed by the privilege

And now I've double-posted... So...much....shame.

"And now, heeeeeere's something for the guyyyys...."

I worked for my "best friend" for over a decade. This is more personal than professional so I'm not expecting too many people can relate. But -

The worst boss ever - we dated for a few years, broke up, but continued to work together. It was publishing, fairly niche & competitive, so after a few weeks apart after we

My company was in the Trade Center, and we lost about 350 colleagues on September 11th, including most of the senior management of the IT Department. One of the only survivors was a complete and total douchebag.