
Not an apologist, huh?

They are supposed to be wheat or have some wheat in them. Unlevened is not required. Just practice. Eastern Rite parishes in communion with Rome have used leven bread for centuries. But still the bishop was an ass.

Whatever dude. Blah,blah, talking points of conservative Catholics.

Just remarry. My uncle did it. But he was a decent and reasonable man of another age.

So people started looking modern around 1958?

I got the sense of someone doing an “elderly cowboy” type accent.

She’s a liar in the existential sense.

In spirit, food, clothing, furnishings, exactly like a Log Cabin Republican event,, a friend attended years ago.

Early modern Europe?

You mean, like Mandrakes? (They scream when pulled out of the ground.)

Maybe because Hillary is a liar.

Of course not, they would have to bathe and brush their teeth first.

Damn good too!

Wow, WASP late 1950s! Still lives!


But you didn’t.

GHW Bush served in WWII, with all due respect he doesn’t strike me as a “cowardly sissy boy”.

It was supposed to be Barbara’s turn.

Dutch descent. Upstate New York. He even spoke Dutch as his first language. Today Trump would be questioning his right to be president.

When I was a graduate student assistant at an ivy league university back in the day the professor for whom I worked had the policy that if an undergraduate appealed the grade his graduate assistants gave he (the professor) had the right to lower, as well as raise, the grade. Kept the appeals down.