That’s a lot of money for someone living between Buttfuck and East Jesus, Kentucky.
That’s a lot of money for someone living between Buttfuck and East Jesus, Kentucky.
Well, he’s not my cousin, but he would do.
Why AA does not work in the UK?
Well, Tru (Truman Capote) called him, “Mr Closet Everything.”
I’m a Gertrude Stein. After a few drinks there’s no there there.
There is some shunning stuff some places. In the OT, there is a passage “come out from among them”, and in the NT (not the Gospels however) I think you can shun fellow church members who repeatedly sin. On the other hand early Christians were told that if they wanted to, and knew it didn’t mean anything, they could…
They are the definition of haters. They can’t wait until right-wing Christian theocracy in America is instituted.
And because they belong to religions which tell them it is OK. So tired of this.
Ok, here’s the reason he would do it. There is the tiniest possiblity that he could still hold on to some connection with her if she believed he were only “engaged” and at some point he could reconnect and get some more attention out of this relationship.
He’s a narcissitic sociopath or sociopathologicla narcissist so yeah he would just keep lying. Truth does not exist for such people. (Yeah, I’m bitter.)
Such people tend to find each other.
I did ask a guy doing my hair if it was hard to do it while he was high on cocaine. Since he clearly was.
They clearly belong to the “God is an Idiot Church”.
Do you have a citation or url for that. I am not saying it didn’t happen but I’ve never heard ofit and I just have trouble conceiving that Germans in occupied Germany would be in a position to exercise such power. Now, the French did it to women who had slept with the occupying Germans.
Their religion teaches the words to use in all situations. Cause you don’t need outside secular knowledge. That’s one sign of a cult. Ideology trumps experience. America has been admiring a cult, a real one.
I was waiting for Sweater to make out with his boyfriend at the end.
Well, she won't be presiding over any more of his trials now.
a very very large plate, a small table, and a very small horse.
Yes, looking forward to it!